[SOLVED] About BIOS update to B450


Does someone have the files to 7B85v1F BIOS version for B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC?
They have deleted it by some reason. Now I got my new CPU (Ryzen 5 5600x) and I think I'm not able to install it before that update? Am I right?

The latest BIOS available for that board is v 1F4 which is shown as a beta. If I'm not mistaken the sequence for release of MSI BIOS's would make v 1F the full-release version so if it doesn't exist it means they haven't released it. That compatibility chart makes it confusing because it shows only v1F, which obviously doesn't exist, but any bios in the beta sequence would be compatible.

But more: they're not likely to ever...

Does someone have the files to 7B85v1F BIOS version for B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC?
They have deleted it by some reason. Now I got my new CPU (Ryzen 5 5600x) and I think I'm not able to install it before that update? Am I right?

The latest BIOS available for that board is v 1F4 which is shown as a beta. If I'm not mistaken the sequence for release of MSI BIOS's would make v 1F the full-release version so if it doesn't exist it means they haven't released it. That compatibility chart makes it confusing because it shows only v1F, which obviously doesn't exist, but any bios in the beta sequence would be compatible.

But more: they're not likely to ever release it unless AMD releases the AGESA code which they probably won't. That AGESA is beta because it's being used for a 5000 series processor on B450 platform which AMD never wanted to do. If MSI ever updates it it will be because AMD updated the AGESA in which case you'll most likely see another beta, possibly v 1F5.

Also, be very careful about updating to it as you probably can't revert. I'd reset CMOS before doing the update, then update, then reset CMOS again after putting in your 5600X.
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The latest BIOS available for that board is v 1F4 which is shown as a beta. If I'm not mistaken the sequence for release of MSI BIOS's would make v 1F the full-release version so if it doesn't exist it means they haven't released it. That compatibility chart makes it confusing because it shows only v1F, which obviously doesn't exist, but any bios in the beta sequence would be compatible.

But more: they're not likely to ever release it unless AMD releases the AGESA code which they probably won't. That AGESA is beta because it's being used for a 5000 series processor on B450 platform which AMD never wanted to do. If MSI ever updates it it will be because AMD updated the AGESA in which case you'll most likely see another beta, possibly v 1F5.

Also, be very careful about updating to it as you probably can't revert. I'd reset CMOS before doing the update, then update, then reset CMOS again after putting in your 5600X.

There has been a file named to "7B85v1F.zip"
It's not available anymore, so what was that?
Okay. They released some bios version with text "Added compatibility for Ryzen 5000 series" or something. Are those new betas continuing that update, as it got deleted? I didn't get it all 😀
That latest and last BIOS made available is 1F4, it's shown as using AGESA ComboAM4PIV2 which I understand to be intended for Ryzen 5000 on B450. I'd use it for your 5600x and I'm not sure what others might or might not work.

If you're concerned about it being beta that's all we'll ever get for ryzen 5000 on B450.

Just a guess but you're probably better off not having gotten any that preceded 1F4.

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