I have a memory Elixir 2GB PC2-6400U-555-13-E1.800 and 1GB PC2-6400U-666-13-D1.800. What I want to do is, can I put them together in one computer? The computer I want to use is Acer Veriton x270 Interl Core 2 Duo.
I know nothing about memory, that is why I go with expert like you.
Can you please send a reply to my email reyesjerry@yahoo.com.
I will appreciate your answer.
Thank you very much.
I have a memory Elixir 2GB PC2-6400U-555-13-E1.800 and 1GB PC2-6400U-666-13-D1.800. What I want to do is, can I put them together in one computer? The computer I want to use is Acer Veriton x270 Interl Core 2 Duo.
I know nothing about memory, that is why I go with expert like you.
Can you please send a reply to my email reyesjerry@yahoo.com.
I will appreciate your answer.
Thank you very much.