I've got a CPU which I got for free from a friend, which is the i5-4670s. I did some research about it and it says the socket is FCLGA1150 . Can I still use it with normal LGA1150 socket mobos or do I need the specific FCLGA1150?
They are the same thing.I've got a CPU which I got for free from a friend, which is the i5-4670s. I did some research about it and it says the socket is FCLGA1150 . Can I still use it with normal LGA1150 socket mobos or do I need the specific FCLGA1150?
They are the same thing.I've got a CPU which I got for free from a friend, which is the i5-4670s. I did some research about it and it says the socket is FCLGA1150 . Can I still use it with normal LGA1150 socket mobos or do I need the specific FCLGA1150?