I'm pretty new to computer building but this headers confuses me so hard to the point I'm having a mental breakdown
here's my questions
sorry .. I'm just a completely noob guy when it comes to rgb headers
that's all @_____@
here's my questions
- there's a header labled jled on a motherboard what are those? and what are the things I can plug into it
- I'm looking at my motherboard box and i saw something like 2 x 5050 RGB led strip 12v connectors what are the things i can plug to those? does it mean i can only use it to plug led strips? btw the motherboard is msi b450 gaming plus max
- are the jled header and 5050 rgb led strip header the same?
- what to plug to 5v rgb header and there's 12pin rgb header as well which things makes more confusing
- what are the cables mods i can use for those headers
sorry .. I'm just a completely noob guy when it comes to rgb headers
that's all @_____@