About to order the parts


Jan 18, 2015
I'm about to order everything for my first gaming rig (already ordered CPU and motherboard), and was wondering if someone can look over it quick to see if something can be improved, or any last minute adjustments, I don't want to order everything and then regret it later after finding out I could have changed something.


Exactly what he said, Western Digital just makes the better drive. Their Blues are great and the Black series last FOREVER.
Looks fine, only thing I would change is HDD from Seagate to WD Blue,
don't know why but my Seagate HDD (3 of them) failing recently..
Stick to WD for now...

also I assume u are going to mild O.C. (buying "K" cpu)...

Exactly what he said, Western Digital just makes the better drive. Their Blues are great and the Black series last FOREVER.

Alright, I'm gonna change my SeaGate HDD out for this one, hows this one look?


Better and cheaper than the RM,
looking at the price of the evga 850watt would that be my choice.The xfx is already a very good choice.The RM uses lower quality capacitors which makes it the lesser of the choices.

Sorry bud but I just have to disagree. Hard drive replacement is a common part of my job and the entire time I have been doing this I have replaced many many drives. I have replaced Hitachi and Seagate the most (mostly in prebuilts purchased at big box stores) and only ever had to replace a couple of Wetern Digitals one was a 320GB and the other a 250GB both older before the blue or black series. I have seen many others saying the same.

Agreed, but remember to Backup if the data is important.....

Just sharing experience, lately newer Seagate HDD fail more quickly than it's older one..
before have 4 Seagate 2 WD all dated earliest 2008 (WD&S), 2012 (WD), 2013 (2 S), 2014 (1S).

One of The 2013 died first, RMA (buy WD as temporary replacement),
and later the RMA-ed died again couple month latter.. (switch to WD)

later the 2013 & 2008 Seagate died, (the 2008 maybe because eol but the WD counter parts still running)

don't bother with RMA again
(my data is more important than the drive and a hassle to restore from backup)..

now only the 2014 Seagate remains, hope it do not have the same fate with it's brother...

I'm actually looking at a blue for my second build probably will be going with one.

Guess I'll be staying away from seagate HDD's.