I haven't jumped at the opportunity myself. I don't need them yet, I know they can be useful for some things and it would be stupid to just ignore them.
Unless Microsoft change it, and you don't need an NPU, the Ryzen 9000 series don't have NPU in them. So the way I see it, desktop won't get the feature for a few years to come. Otherwise it would make sense to include an NPU in their desktop CPU. You would think MS at least tells AMD & Intel its plans ahead of time, as they have to make hardware to match specs
People speculate they might get it working off GPU, but as I said, people will imagine all sorts of possibilities, until one actually happens we can't really sit here worrying about what might be.
There are people who actually want it. hence your examples of making it run on things its not supposed to work on. Just as some are running away, others are running towards. Its hard to not get trampled in the crowd