Access denied on shared folders.

Jun 30, 2012
One iMac has VMware running XP on it and one PC (not Mac or vm) running windows 7. The shared folder hosted on the iMac is readable on the win7 PC but not editable. I know your reply right off the bat will be to change the read and write permissions for the shared folder on the mac, they are all configured correctly, it is a home network so everyone has read and write capabilities. On the previous PC (a 10 year old, XP running time bomb) that was connected, it would ask for a password when viewing the shared folder, and once you entered the pass you were able to edit all the files and write to the folder. The win7 PC does not, it seems to just access all the files without the need for a password but can't edit or write and can only read. So I guess my aim is to get the win7 PC to ask me to enter the password when trying to access the shared folder so that it gets the full permissions? Please help, as you can probably already tell I am frustrated and very confused.

Thanks in advance :)

Go to Preferences
Click on Sharing
Click on File Sharing on the left-hand side
Click the Options button
Uncheck “Share files and folders using AFP”
Check “Share files and folders using SMB (Windows)”
Click the Done button.
from Source

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I did exactly what you said on the IMac and it seems to have not made a difference what-so-ever, i still can't write to the shared folder. The solution you suggested seems to only work for file transferring from Mac to Mac, not Mac to Windows.

Thanks for your help :)
Hi to all posting in this thread!

Was this situation ever resolved?
I've had the same problem ... for years ...

Can't share files from Mac OS 10.6.8 to Win7 ...

The Win7 machines see the Mac 10.6.8 machines fine ... no problem ... easy setup there ...
They can pull files from that Mac OS ... and put files there ...

... and the Macs ... can see the Win7 machines on the network ...
but any connection with them ... fails ... every time ... from the Mac 10.6.8 side of the situation ...

Is this really the best that Mac OS 10.6.8 could/can ever provide ...?

I'm amazed ... and sincerely hope there is a reasonable fix for this ...

Mac OS 10.5.8 can see all, edit all ...

Thanks for your time and consideration of this issue!

I have since resolved the issue although i'm not 100% sure how. It involved a lot of fiddling about and a LOT of googling. Keep at it as my issue isn't quite the same as yours.

Sorry if i'm no help at all.