[SOLVED] Access slow laptop's files on different computer?


Sep 2, 2019
I've been trying to get important files off of my old Win10 laptop so that I can wipe it and give it to my dad but navigating through and transferring the files to USB drives is an absolute nightmare that I don't have the patience for. So, I was wondering if there's a way to do it remotely, or with some kind of wired connection on my desktop pc, or newer laptop? Thanks for any suggestions.
Multiple options:
Shared folders over the LAN, an external drive, a USB flash drive.

It will take as long as it takes. The sooner you start, the sooner it will be finished.
There is no 'magic' to make it faster.
If you're going to hand the laptop over to your father and the mission critical files are on a partition outside of your OS partition, why not just simply reinstall the OS with the latest installer from Microsoft's site(Windows Media Creation Tools)?