Accidentally ran Windows Refresh


Dec 8, 2012
Hey, this morning I accidentally ran windows refresh because my computer got some bluescreens every once in a while when trying to boot up. But I did manage to boot up, just like 50% of the time I tried, a bluescreen came, I just restarted once more and it worked.

But anyways Windows suggested me to use windows refresh. told me: "Doesn't remove any files, just repairs Windows". I thought this sounded great, so I went ahead and completed the process.

Now my computer is as new, everything i had is in the C:/Windows.old folder.

So my question is: Is there anyway to recover the entire harddrive to this folder? - The Windows.old folder includes programfiles and users and Windows.


Yup, had this same experience on a Vista machine.
Go to System Restore in the Control Panel ( Or settings in the charm bar, I believe ) and see if you can't perform one from the "Windows.old" folder. If not, there is a risky way of doing business. Rename the Windows.old folder to Windows, and delete the old one. I haven't personally done this, but it should work. Don't take my advice though, but really all this should do is replace the Empty windows folder with exactly the same stuff that is on the old one.
Try going into disc management by right clicking Computer and choosing Manage. DM should be on the left hand side of the new window. If there are two partitions, combine them. Google can help you out with this.
Otherwise, to my knowledge, your pretty much screwed. :??:

I am not even sure I understand the question...

When you say "my computer is as new".. you mean its all great and like a new machine? or you mean.. its lost all my programs and documents and everythuing thats not core windows?

And what the hell does "recover the entire hard disk to this folder"? what are you trying to do?

Sounds like "guywithglasses" may be on th esame wavelength as you.. but for second opinion - how about some clarification

If you're talking about Windows 8 refresh feature then you clearly missed the line that says all desktop apps (installed from discs or websites basically) will be removed.
