Acer Dual-screen Iconia Up for Preorder at $1200

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But can it play Crysis 2?

No, but really, for BOTH of those displays, they should probably consider discrete graphics, because I'm sure there are going to be the people who will complain that it can't play HD videos because there is too much going on. And I also have a feeling that the battery life is going to be atrocious.

Just my $.02
it would be really interesting to see the iconia offer both sandy bridge and fusion processors in the future; i'd love to see how the two compare. maybe the i5 would be faster for certain tasks but the fusion would be a smoother experience overall? theorycrafting, of course, but still interesting to think about.
A bit on the pricey side, but the hardware is pretty serious (excepting the lousy graphic card, but oh well) and the dual screens are awesome.
It is certainly an interesting device, but before I get excited about it I would really want to try it to see how I like the keyboard. While the electronics companies might love it I don't want to end up with a smart phone, tablet, laptop and multiple desktops.

Even if it has an external keyboard I think what I really want is an i5 or AMD powered tablet with a TPM module that can replace my aging corporate laptop. Of course if they could slap enough RAM in it to run about 8 Hyper-V VMs and an SSD array to run them I could replace my desktop as well. LOL that kind of horsepower in a tablet is somewhere between years away and complete fantasy 😀
PC world had a nice reviewof this device and the "ring" interface acer developed for this tablet/laptop/DS. I'd like to get my hands on one and see how it performs in a work environment and if the touch interface would end up being more of a gimmick then something I couldn't live without within a few hours. I wonder how long it will be before acer (or someone else) will use the dual screens for native 3d like a giant 3DS, I know some mappers/engineers who would be drooling at the prospect of 3d rendering.
You can get 2 ipad2's for that price. Hey, not a bad idea. 2 ipads working together with some sort of link. Make one the keyboard and the other the monitor.
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