In a Destiny which is like a Human chess game played by the same system of rules also governing physic and chemistry, the value of Money must lose the scepter or else the next move is already set.
In this extreme polarity and almost fracture of Humankind, the good news are from the fact that Bill Gates, the richest man in the World, is on the side of Equality.
Therefore, if it were in the end a matter of money to prevail between Zionists and Equality, between these 2 sides, what one could buy it is also affordable for the other.
At last, Zionists will be defined as all those who do not believe in Equality.
For example, those who claim superiority for themselves or for others like who believe in queens and kings or also the followers of those Religions that still today are fired up by our difference and not by what we have in common.
We will see if the whole Snake will survive or only Its Head.
The threat of the Zionist Plan and its hidden Direction can vanish only if there will be one single front capable to hold back that constant attempt to divide all people.
Those who would want to change this course, but feel paralyzed, because of their inborn Country or Religion, can be part of one new Circle of Equality
One Equality which is neither financial nor Equality between man and woman but a new system of values sculptured into one new set of rules