Acer M5-581T no keyboard backlight

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Aug 21, 2018
I bought this laptop used and I reinstalled windows 10 but theres no keyboard backlight
I tried pressing FN + F9 but nothing happens even though F9 has a picture of a lighted key

the laptop comes with a keyboard backlight
maybe theres a driver for it? bios update?
I find it really odd that you can't find the drivers. Not even on the manufacturer's site. As long as you are not letting it search your system and choose the OS for you, and you choose the OS instead, it should give you the drivers.

I didint buy it online I bought it at a pawn shop
it has the backlight button on it but I think theres certain drivers it needs
I have looked everywhere but I can't find any
My serial number matches the model of this laptop with a keyboard backlight
the laptop was preinstalled with windows 8 which had the backlight working but the pawn shop owner installed windows 10 on it.
I have to ask, if you got it at a pawn shop, and they updated it, how do you know it was working before they updated it?

If, in fact, the update is the issue, then you would just need to go to the manufacturer's website and get the driver(s) for the prior version of Windows and see if this resolves the problem.

I was at the store a week ago i saw the laptop there running windows 8 the keyboard backlight was on but when i came today and bought it it was running windows 10 but the keyboard backlight was off

the keyboard does have the off on key for it
it is the F9 key, but when I press F9 or FN + F9 nothing happens still
I cannot find the drivers anywhere, I am guessing the drivers probably came with the acer factory default windows 8

i found a site on acer where you can buy the stock factory default windows firmware but its 14 dollars with shipping
it should really be free
i also cant find the drivers anywhere i repeat
i've looked everywhere and i've tried older drivers but i cant find em anywhere even on other websites
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