Review Acer Predator CG437K 43” Monitor Review: Perfectly Sized 4K Gaming

I have been waiting to buy a 40"ish monitor for a while.

I am glad I waited :)

This deserves a

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my bdm4065 had a led strip burn out, I ordered this. 2nd week still waiting. I suspect a long back order. worth the wait as I stare at my dark band across my current monitor.
Finally some progress in this area....real 4K + Gsync at more than 60Hz on a screen larger than 27" without going T.V. size.

I just don't see myself going VA panel again, especially on a screen that's larger than my field of vision by default. But Acer's first 4K panels were VA before they started producing comparable IPS products, so maybe just need to wait a little longer.
Well, was the price mentioned anywhere in the article. Plenty of pricing on other monitors on the first page. Didn't want to read 6 more long pages to find out.
Has anyone confirmed whether the subpixel layout is RGB or BGR?

Has anyone used it for spreadsheets? Are all the characters clear?
Meh, I’ve been using an LG 43UD79-B for a couple years now.
  1. it’s kinda too big for gaming IMO, seriously... it’s HUGE
  2. it only cost $600...

So yeah, just gonna stick with what I have.
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I just can't bring myself to spend as much money as I would for an entire PC on a display like this.
Absolutely absurd pricing. Those idiots.
if you get it make sure to download the display widget software. it is very nice . the default is in eco display mode. I really do not know what to do with the rgb led strips though.
Yeah me too. Seems a standard thing with TH's "reviews" that they want you to click their amazon link to see a price on something they reviewed. I just saw that again with a rPi review. I think I'll read someone elses reviews where they actually say what the price of an item is.
As cool as it sounds on paper, the lack of reviewers talking about, or even looking for, smearing and blur artifacts is dissapointing.

I recently bit the bullet and bought a 32 inch VA panel from LG that many reviewers said was 'much better' than older VA panels and doesn't suffer from those issues.

I can only assume those reviewers are completely blind, because the visible blurring and smearing makes it basically worthless for games.

I'm amazed that 144hz VA panels are still selling, and I'm not going to make that mistake again any time soon.

I'll either pay the extra for the x32 when it releases, or maybe i'll get the LG 38gl950g as my next upgrade.