bit_user :
Sakkura :
bit_user :
Sorry, there's no free lunch. The bad guys exist in world space, so they're still two transforms away from the controller.
Transforms are part of computer graphics, not tracking. Doing transforms is easy, we've had hardware transform capability since the 90s.
What I meant is transforms computed using two dependent estimations - the estimated pose of the HMD, in world space, and the estimated pose of the gun, in the HMD's frame of reference. You've got to map the gun into the same coordinate space as what it's shooting at. No matter how you do it, in involves transforms computed using both estimates.
So, you could transform the bad guy into the HMD's frame of reference, but then you're still exposed to the error of the HMD tracking, and then any error in the tracking gun's position within the HMD's frame of reference. But what people normally do is transform the gun into world space.
For instance, if it's some type of beam weapon, imagine what other players in the game would see. They'd see the beam from your gun shaking due to the combined errors of the controller's tracking from the HMD, and the HMD tracking, which the gun is tracked against.
No, you can really ignore the world completely when considering where the gun is placed. If it's up 20 degrees and right 10 degrees from dead ahead of the headset, and 1.7 feet away (plus where it's pointed), that's where you'll see it on the screens in the headset. So the controller tracking accuracy isn't affected by how well the headset tracks its own position.
If the world tracking is off, that just means the rest of what you see on screen is shifted to some incorrect position.