Game companies don't want my money, so why should I buy games?
If they don't make games for Linux, its like saying "We don't need money from Linux users"
I'll download my games thank you. And Windows too, just to play the game. That's what I keep my handy dandy 80Gb hard drive for.
Grats on being part of the problem.
If you don't want to use Windows and pay for games, then don't. Don't attempt to legitimize your software theft because "Games aren't made for Linux".
1) Some decent Linux ports exist, just play those.
2) There is no money in it for most game companies to code games for Linux, an operating system which doesn't have the mainstream user base to support a seperate development team to re-code games. This is the same reason why less games are coded for Macs, though more than Linux. However, with your statement you're basically saying companies should lose money, just to make games for your operating system of choice.
3) If you're already stealing Windows + Games, why on earth would anyone believe you'd pay for them if they were coded for Linux?
By all means, steal your games and operating system to play it. That's your choice. However, don't try to justify it by using some convoluted logic because in the end you're still stealing and part of the problem. If you were to really stick by your 'morals', you wouldn't download or play the games period. lol.. Try to use that as a defense in court.. "Your honor, I'm just so very upset that they do not code for Linux, that in turn 'forces' me to download and use Windows to play stolen games. So, really, it's all THEIR FAULT that I stole software."
Thanks for giving me a good laugh today.