Adata su650 temperature problem

Aug 15, 2018
Hello everyone
I just bought adata su650 ssd and finished the installation however there is a problem with temperature. My ssd is completely empty when i start my pc first readings are 40 ish degrees but it jumped into 55 degrees in 0.5 seconds and it continues to rise up to 62-63 degrees. I opened the side cover of my pc and touched the ssd while reading says its 64 degrees but when i touched it , its not even hot. So are there a problem with readings or my ssd has a problem?

I just don't see an SSD jumping 15 degrees instantly unless it was designed with the sensor in a screwy spot.

....a cpu core will...but I've never seen an SSD or HDD do that.

so I'm thinking a software/sensor issue as well.

Maybe it is a problem but it says "ADATA SU650 temperature " in the program , maybe program readings are incorrect. sounds like you are looking at the right reading.

BTW...the max operating temp on that SSD is 70C.

I was thinking that maybe the SSD was in a hot part of your case. Could that be it?

Although it still doesn't explain why it doesn't feel hot. Does it at least feel warm? 64C I would think should at least feel a bit warm

I placed the ssd in front of my case by using maximum possible distance to heat sources like graphics card and gpu. And also there is a air intake right in front of the ssd.

Does it feel warm? Yes , but little . i mean my program shows my HDD is 34 degrees and both my hdd and ssd placed in same location , when i touched my ssd it feels little warm compared to hdd but there is absouletly no 30 degrees difference. It must 40-45 degrees compared to hdd. And another issue while i opened my temperature reading program after 4 or 5 hours of usage it says 41 degrees and jumps in to 56 instantly , when i closed the program and read again it says 41 degrees again. At this point i think the program reading are false or my sensors are broken.