Adding a drive bay DIY


Mar 17, 2017
I'm going by this post
that asked if toms hardware had a DIY/modding forum and was answered to put it in components, but if there is a better forum for this let me know.

I have a Phanteks Eclipse P400s model, and I was wondering how I could add a drive bay.

I have some ideas, and the tools and experience to do it on my own, but it never hurts to ask for opinions so I wanted to know if anyone on Toms Hardware has tried something like this, or knows of a link to where this type of mod might have a walk through.

@Lutfij Sorry, I think I answered my question instead of replying:

I'm undecided on whether I want to add a blueray drive, something for the fans and lights, or a small LCD to display temps or messages. I assume the latter would be easiest, as it might only require some cable management.

In page fifteen of the manual it shows there are some holes for vertical HD mounts. I was thinking of maybe using those to mount an acrylic shelf, but rail/girder style plates sounds good too...
What sort of drives are we looking at here and what sort of a drive bay would you like to progress with? You could fashion some simple rail/girder style plates to hold the drives.

Don't worry, there will be others to bounce ideas off the wall as well :)

@Lutfij Sorry, I think I answered my question instead of replying:

I'm undecided on whether I want to add a blueray drive, something for the fans and lights, or a small LCD to display temps or messages. I assume the latter would be easiest, as it might only require some cable management.

In page fifteen of the manual it shows there are some holes for vertical HD mounts. I was thinking of maybe using those to mount an acrylic shelf, but rail/girder style plates sounds good too, I think I know what you're talking about but do you have a picture to show me what you had in mind?
