Administrative Privileges HELP



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

I somehow ended up in a place that showed Administrative Privileges and I
noticed my son had privileges to change things so I changed it so he
couldn't. Problem is now I can't now do anything. It says I don't have
administrative privileges anymore. I can't even change the time on the

How do I fix this??
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

tadimi wrote:

> I somehow ended up in a place that showed Administrative Privileges and I
> noticed my son had privileges to change things so I changed it so he
> couldn't. Problem is now I can't now do anything. It says I don't have
> administrative privileges anymore. I can't even change the time on the
> clock.
> How do I fix this??

Boot to Safe Mode and login as Administrator. You can fix the privileges

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