Hi. I am upgrading my video editing machine and would like some CPU advice. I am a pro and use the machine ONLY for Premiere Pro and some light PS, Lightroom, AE.
I have a budget of around $500 for the CPU alone.
It looks like the newer 6 core 8700 ($359) is going to perform almost as well the 8 core 7820X ($599) from tests performed here https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Premiere-Pro-CC-2017-1-2-CPU-Performance-Core-i7-8700K-i5-8600K-i3-8350K-1047/
It seems foolish to pay $240 more for the 7820X with those results.. but I'm under budget. Is there anywhere else CPU-wise I should be looking? I want this beast to last about 5 years. My last one (i7-2600) did 5 years.
**sorry, wrong forum. I can 't move it now**
I have a budget of around $500 for the CPU alone.
It looks like the newer 6 core 8700 ($359) is going to perform almost as well the 8 core 7820X ($599) from tests performed here https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Premiere-Pro-CC-2017-1-2-CPU-Performance-Core-i7-8700K-i5-8600K-i3-8350K-1047/
It seems foolish to pay $240 more for the 7820X with those results.. but I'm under budget. Is there anywhere else CPU-wise I should be looking? I want this beast to last about 5 years. My last one (i7-2600) did 5 years.
**sorry, wrong forum. I can 't move it now**