Advice and suggestions required for building a new gaming PC


Aug 5, 2016
I just want to play games like GTA V, WD2, BF1, CoD Advanced Warfare, Hitman, FIFA 17, TC's Ghost Recon Wildlands, Mafia III, Forza Horizon 3 at 60 FPS 1080p resolution for the next 4-5 years and I will upgrade to a high end gaming PC after 4-5 years, for 4K gaming, so I just want a budget gaming PC right now within 50K INR. Please suggest anything better if there is within 50-55K INR. Thank you in advance :)

So far I have selected the mentioned components for my build (Prices mentioned in INR (1 USD= 65 INR)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 1500X (14489 INR)
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3 (8175 INR) or Asus Prime B350M-A (7160 INR)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 16 GB CMK16GX4M1B3000C15 (8850 INR)
Graphics: Zotac GTX 1050Ti (Single fan) ZT-P10510A-10L (11725 INR)
PSU: Seasonic M12II 520 EVO (5775 INR)
Case: Thermaltake Versa N26 (3100 INR)

Components reusing from old PC:

HDD: Seagate Barracuda ST3500418AS 500GB 7200
UPS: 600 VA (Microtek, decent Indian brand)
Monitor: will be using a TV using HDMI cable (1920*1080 resolution)

I am already quite over my budget of INR 50,000. So I want to know if I can lower the price further by choosing Asus Prime B350M-A for motherboard (I intend to overclock the processor to a stable configuration using the stock cooler only, also overclock the GPU) and for PSU, Corsair VS 450/550 (2400/3320 INR) or CX500 (4300 INR)

I just want to play games at 1080p resolution for the next 4-5 years and I will upgrade to a high end gaming PC then, for 4K gaming so I just want a budget gaming PC within 50K INR. Please suggest anything better if there is within 50-55K INR. Thank you in advance :)
As @Lucky_SLS said Asus is a very good brand and I have never experienced any notable issues with them in my experience. You have a nice setup going there and it should suite you just fine and it a big step up from the 1050. If it`s the 6gb versio of the 1060 then even more so, but either way I like the current build as you have it. I understand that the B-series does support overclocking if I am not mistaken. Just check your temps closely and go up incrementally as you go.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor (₹17890.00 @ Amazon India)
Motherboard: Asus PRIME B350M-A/CSM Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (₹8019.00 @ Amazon India)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LED 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (₹7789.65 @ Amazon India)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Video Card (₹9821.90 @ Amazon India)
Case: Rosewill RANGER-M MicroATX Mini Tower Case (₹1354.16 @ Amazon India)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (₹5775.00)
Total: ₹50649.71
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-04-25 16:08 IST+0530

Then try this, better CPU and fits budget pcparticker couldn't find that power supply you used, but use it from wherever you have that from.
Hey man, the above PC build is better and is nice but unfortunately you will not be maxing out most of those titles with 60 fps @ 1080p. If you look at Wildlands that is a very tasking game. The 1050ti is just a little small in the pants for that. 1080p gaming yes, for the next 4-5 years I can`t say, but I woulld suggest a RX580 if at possible. If not this will suite you fine for now.

pcpp for india is horrible in accuracy. the total says 50k, but the actual cost will be much higher due to shipping.

as for the build. thats the specs anyone would recommend for the games @ ur asking performance. try for a rx470. its in the same price range as the 1050ti and performs better.

also try and amazon global store and local retailers for the best price mix. newegg usually imports the parts for a less shipping price.

some changes, get a seasonic s12II 430w psu. it costs less. dont go for thermaltake model. instead try for deepcool tessaract.

I agree, PCPP India is very inaccurate. I use MDcomputers for the actual price. RX 470 costs around 17K in here, and AMD cards (RX 480/580) is very pricey in India (~25K), so I think Zotac GTX 1060 6GB Mini (20.5K) will be good enough for the next 4-5 years, for 60fps 1080p gaming? Also picking Ryzen 5 1600 over 1500X. Also, the RAM I mentioned, will it be compatible with the Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3 motherboard? or will it underclock to lesser frequency?

So I have decided to go with

CPU: AMD Ryzen 1600 (16529 INR)
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3 (8175 INR) or Asus Prime B350M-A or Asus Prime B350 Plus (7160 INR)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 16 GB CMK16GX4M1B3000C15 (8850 INR)
Graphics: Zotac GTX 1060 Mini (20500 INR)
PSU: Seasonic M12II 520 EVO (5775 INR)
Case: Thermaltake Versa N26 (3100 INR)

I see some bad reviews about Asus motherboards that I've mentioned, should I go for them, I am confused, just in case the Gigabyte one is out of stock. Also since I want to overclock the processor, will the motherboards be well enough?
As @Lucky_SLS said Asus is a very good brand and I have never experienced any notable issues with them in my experience. You have a nice setup going there and it should suite you just fine and it a big step up from the 1050. If it`s the 6gb versio of the 1060 then even more so, but either way I like the current build as you have it. I understand that the B-series does support overclocking if I am not mistaken. Just check your temps closely and go up incrementally as you go.