Hi everyone,
I'm looking for advice for a budget motherboard + CPU + RAM combo for gaming. I already have a RX 580 8GB GPU so I'm looking to pair that with something suitable. My budget for the combo is around £100-£150. I'm looking at second hand, so far I'm looking at a Z77 mobo + i7-3770k + 16GB RAM that looks to be around that budget. I don't know if it's a good deal or I can find something slightly more recent for that budget.
I'm looking for advice for a budget motherboard + CPU + RAM combo for gaming. I already have a RX 580 8GB GPU so I'm looking to pair that with something suitable. My budget for the combo is around £100-£150. I'm looking at second hand, so far I'm looking at a Z77 mobo + i7-3770k + 16GB RAM that looks to be around that budget. I don't know if it's a good deal or I can find something slightly more recent for that budget.