Question Advice for a new build please

Saint Grimm

Feb 25, 2014
About 5 years ago, give or take, I built a PC for myself and my brother. While mine is still mostly good condition, he's managed to somehow break the tongs that hold the cpu fan in place and when he tries to turn it on, the display just remains black (tried with multiple displays and multiple cords) so we're thinking the GPU has probably gone bad too.

Anyway, we've been considering me building 2 more instead of repairing his since the new games coming out are starting to have higher requirements than we can play. I've not kept up with newer technology and have no idea what's good or bad on the market right now, I've done a small amount of research, but there's just so much to look into... So I thought I'd ask the experts!

I'm looking for a budget build, money's a little tight. We spent around $650 per PC on the last builds, for something better, I'd like to not go over 800 each.

I was originally hoping to keep my Asrock Killer FX9900 motherboard and my 16gb of memory, but using PC part picker, it seems almost nothing newer is compatible with the killer, and when I take the killer off and go for a newer CPU, no motherboards are compatible with both newer cpu AND DDR3 memory, so sadly I think I'm going to have to start from scratch and go for ddr4, even though I just bought 8gb of ram less than 2 years ago 🙁

I'm looking for something that won't go out of date in the next few years. I wanna play Red Dead 2 and Cyberpunk on it without issues, and future games as well.

I'm mostly looking for suggestions on a cpu and gpu, but mother board suggestions are very welcome as well, since it looks like I won't be able to keep the one I've got. Or suggestions on a good CPU for newer games that's compatible with my mobo/memory would be appreciated, but at this point I don't have much hope on reusing the stuff I've got.
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With all things posted on your thread, you might want to include the specs to your specs tot eh system, for both machines. List them like so:

That will help support the post you've made prior to me.
Is there a bot that posts that question on every thread or something? This is the 2nd or 3rd post I've made that has NOTHING TO DO with my current system, but still get asked for my current specs :\

I'm looking for suggestions on a new build, my current parts have NOTHING to do with what people will suggest I get for a new system...

The only pieces I'm interested in reusing I named in the OP, but as stated I'm not really expecting anyone to go off that Mobo cuz I can't find any newer CPU's that are compatible with it...

But, to appease...

CPU: AMD fx6300
Motherboard: Refer to OP
RAM: Refer to OP
HDD: seagate 2tb
GPU: Nvidia 970
PSU: I don't know....
Chassis: Something Newegg had that looked cool 5 years ago
OS: Windows 10

But seriously... I'm buying a new CPU, new GPU, new ram, new mobo, new PSU, New case.... So why do you need that info to answer my question?

Which again, is: What do you guys suggest for CPU/GPU on a new build? I'll be using PC Part picker for compatibility, so I don't need suggestions on anything else, but feel free to suggest other parts as well. My budget is 800ish.
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Looking like a 1660 ti is one of the better gpu's for a budget.. I see a lot of budget builds using a ryzen 5 3600 cpu, so for now I'm going to plan on that, but I'll keep an eye on this thread if anyone suggests more cost efficient options 😛