Advice for new computer


Aug 21, 2009
i want a quiet pc especially during idle or watching movies. i picked out some part already, but do tell if better part available and if this build is any good

CPU- i5 2500 (£152)

Ram-(G.Skill RipJawsX 1600mhz 8GB-£35 or 4GB-£27) 4g is plenty right? should i get 4 or 8g?

psu-antec truepower new 550w (or should i get 650? is it quiet?)

Case- fratal design define r3 £70- priority are noise level>cooling>appearance, but is there any more quiet case?

GPU- a hd6870 or gtx 560 depending on which is more quiet? there are both about £150, my buget cant really go any higher than those card

Cpu cooler- i really have no idea on how to choose this but i am thinking of Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev, does it fit my case,cup etc?

hmmm this is about it

Approximate Purchase Date: (this chrismas because they do sale?)

Budget Range: (under £800, if possbile under £700 or about $1000) Before / After Rebates

System Usage from Most to Least Important: (gaming>watching movies>internet)

Parts Not Required: (keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS)

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: ( or other trusted uk base website)

Country of Origin: (united kindom)

Parts Preferences: by brand or type (e.g.: I would like to use an AMD CPU & Biostar mobo with a 24" LCD and full tower case)

Overclocking: No

SLI or Crossfire: No

Monitor Resolution: (1920x1080)

Additional Comments: ( I would like a quiet PC)

The GTX 560Ti is a great performer and it runs quietly too so id recommend that.

As for the case, CoolerMaster do a case thats padded inside which is designed to reduce noise levels outside of the case, if noise level is a priority it might be worth considering.

A great UK based website to check out is - they do some pretty great "Today only" deals where you can find yourself saving a nice amount :)


Because your listed purchase date is christmas, the build you listed may not be relevant and it might be hard for someone to suggest a build right now. AMD's new BullDozer processor and 7xxx series graphics looms in the distance. A build suggested now probably only holds validity for about a month, come Christmas the "best bang-for-buck build" could be quite different.

i dont think it really matter, even if new stuff comes out, i will not be getting it, i mean only reason i get it near chrismas is for the sale discount. so if new stuff come out, it will be just cheaper for the part i chosen.

btw which motherboard/harddrive should i chose?
does the Asrock's pcie-3 worth the price? i mean does it really improve performance the gtx560 and the I5 2500? i read something about it that pcie3 is for ivy bridge. if it doesnt really matter i am thinking of getting a cheap gigabyte Motherboard(, and upgrade it to Pcie3 board later
what chipset should i get if i dont overlock or sli? Z86/H76/H61? and is 550w antec enough for a single card?
what cpu cooler should i get ?
550w is plenty for a single card unless your going for GTX 570 or higher.

Z68 and P67 both support overclocking of the CPU.

CPU Cooler - Hyper 212+ is a good budget cooler or if you want to spend even less the Arctic Freezer 7 Rev.2 is ok but it wont perform as well as the 212+
so 550w only goes to about gtx570. i gona get the 650w to future proof and i think i am gona get a i5 2500k and a cheap z68/p67 to overclock when it struggle play future games, since they cost about the same.

just hope the hyper 212 plus fit my case.
Any case larger than 20cm (200mm) wide should be enough to fit the 212 (i think 22-23cm is recommended if you wish to use side case fans on the inside though).

650w isn't really future proofing if your getting a 560ti/6950 - if you get a 750w PSU then you can add another card in SLI/crossfire. Getting a 650w will only allow you to swap cards - generally swapping cards isn't recommended unless your going at least 2 tiers higher (so for example 560-580 would be worth it, 560-570 wouldn't be) and then based on that i dont think 650w is enough to run a single 580.

In short either go 500w, or 750w :)
CPU: i5-2500k (£155)
Mobo: ASRock EXTREME4 Gen3 z68 (£145) or ASRock EXTREME3 Gen3 z68 (£115)
GPU: GTX 560Ti (£180)
PSU: 750w (£90)
RAM: 8GB 1600MHz (£50)
Optical Drive: DVD-RW £20
HDD: SpinPoint F3 1TB (£40)
CPU Cooler: Hyper 212+ (£25)

£705 total (without case)

Prices are from memory so some parts you maybe able to buy cheaper from sales/offers ect.