Advice for novice installing an SSD


Feb 23, 2014
So after taking some advice from this forum I bit the bullet and order an SSD (120gb). (along with my 1tb hdd.)

While looking up some info on how to best install an SSD I have come across many articles and I just wanted some advice on what I should install on the SSD (OS, Office, lightroom etc) and also any recommended tips for saving space to stop it filling up too quickly (although I have only used 70gb on my laptops C drive)

I am by no means experienced with computers so don't want to go overboard, however, I do want to set it to optimise it's use.

Thanks in advance.
You bought a ssd for speed. Put all you can on it.
You can fit the os and a handful of games.
Put large storage files on your hard drive.
1. Disconnect your hard drive, and set the sata mode to ahci(not ide or raid) That enables trim. If you leave your hard drive connected, windows will put a hidden recovery partition on it, complicating things.

2. install windows.
3. reattach your hard drive, and you are good to go. You can delete the old windows files.
4. Ignore any advice on "tweaks" for ssd's. They accomplish little and are not worth it.
Monitor your space used. If you approach 90% full, it is time to do something.
You bought a ssd for speed. Put all you can on it.
You can fit the os and a handful of games.
Put large storage files on your hard drive.
1. Disconnect your hard drive, and set the sata mode to ahci(not ide or raid) That enables trim. If you leave your hard drive connected, windows will put a hidden recovery partition on it, complicating things.

2. install windows.
3. reattach your hard drive, and you are good to go. You can delete the old windows files.
4. Ignore any advice on "tweaks" for ssd's. They accomplish little and are not worth it.
Monitor your space used. If you approach 90% full, it is time to do something.