Advice needed on choosing a dual-monitor display


Jan 10, 2014
I've had a strange but comfortable setup with dual monitors for two years now. My main display is a large, 31.5" diagonally, TV, and I have a smaller 19" display that is to the left, and slightly below it, due to my desk having different levels. It's been good whilst I've had it but I'm leaving for college soon. Desk space will be a greater problem and this TV is too large to easily transort back and forth during the breaks, so I'm going to replace them both.

Main Display-
Secondary Display-

What I have in mind is probably closer in size to the secondary one. I need to upgrade my GPU soon so I want to spend as little as possible on these, my budget would have to be <$300 each. Speakers are unimportant to me.

On a side note, an annoying problem with my current setup is that my GPU only has one port on the back, and it's HDMI. That means my secondary display has to be plugged into my motherboard and it runs off my integrated graphics instead of my card. This means I can't play games on it when I want a smaller screen, at least not resource intensive games. Is there a workaround to this other than waiting for the GPU upgrade?

If you listed your GPU correctly, then you'll have plenty of ports to use for the displays. It has HDMI, DVI and 1x mini DisplayPort.

Simply plug the HDMI in to the TV and the DVI in to the monitor. If the new monitor has DisplayPort, then you can just use that instead if you prefer.

Right, didn't see that DVI port on this monitor. Unfortunately I lack that cable, so I'll go to bestbuy tomorrow and get one. Thank you, although I probably should've seen that myself.

You are missing the point; I only play on one monitor, and I use the other for programs that are useful while playing. Even when not gaming, I like to have two full-size windows open at once regardless of what I'm doing.