Advice on first gaming PC.


Jan 4, 2014
With the recent death of my beloved 60gb ps3 I've decided to make the move into the PC gaming relm
However I'm on a very tight budget I already have a case HDD DVD drive etc all I need is a GPU CPU and a motherboard
As I'm very tight for money I was debating trying the Xeon 771 to 775 mod found here
I was going to do this with a e5450 and a motherboard off eBay which would total about £50 so my questions are

1) would the mod be a good way to go or would it be worth going for a cheap i3 or something
2) would it be a good idea to save about £40 and get a partially used gpu? I'm set on the r9 270

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Well yeah if you can get a 270 go for it. Its much...
Don't get the r7 260. Save up for a r7 270 at least. However, his CPU recommendation is right on. Get a really cheap FM2 motherboard that supports a Athlon x4 750k, try to fit 8GB of RAM into your budget, and a r7 270. Also, you should look into overclocking your CPU and GPU as this can improve your performance massively especially with those specific parts, all are great overclockers. Yes, a r7 270 used is a good idea so long you get a good deal on it and make sure it has a good cooler.

okay but what about the new unlocked pentium intel just released for £55? is it worth considering a slightly used 29 270 will set me back £90 so im left with £110 for motherboard and ram

Well yeah if you can get a 270 go for it. Its much much better than the 260. (up to about 20fps in crysis warhead) But if you don't have the money for it and can't get it then the 260 is a good option.

I don't like buying things used an 99% of the time I just save up the money on something I know will have a warranty.

Also talking power supplies here. What do you have? 750ti might be a better option since it requires no additional power other than from the PCI-E bus. It performs in between the 260 and the 270. But it usually costs about the same as a 270 so I generally don't recommend it unless someone has power concerns.

£110 = about 180 bucks. Which is very very doable. Heck most FM2+ boards are around the 80 dollar range and 8gb of ram is somewhere around 70 bucks.