Question Advice on how to hit 400fps in Apex Legends


Oct 11, 2018
I'm using a 4k 144hz monitor and would really like to go back to 1080p 360hz (for competitive fps) when those monitors are released. Right now with my 2080 Ti I get about 300fps @1080p. Wondering what I could upgrade to hit 400fps?

i9-9900K @ stock
PNY Anarchy X 3200MHz 24GB XMP Profile
AsRock Extreme 4 z370
Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti Windforce OC 11GB @ stock
Seasonic Focus+ 750w
Nothing. There is nothing you can do to get 400 FPS in Apex Legends at 1080p unless you reduce the graphics settings until you do have 400 FPS.

If the 2080TI can only achieve 300 FPS then it's 300 FPS since there is no better GPU on the market.

You have the best CPU for gaming.
You have the best GPU you can buy.
yes i was more thinking about whether getting a 2nd 2080 ti for NVLink or waiting for the next generation gpu. Also would faster ram be a waste of money? I've seen some benchmarks that shows there is a tiny improvement in fps with the faster speed ram u get but i hear some people saying that after a certain point you don't really see a difference.

this video shows a considerable performance increase with sli in apex legends
drophdgaming Hello. Question: Is 300 FPS the max framerate that you could achieve, at 1080p, on a single RTX 2080 Ti? Because if so, then that may be the the max framerate that Apex Legend's engine can achieve. If that's the case, then there is nothing that you could do to supersede that game engine limit. For example, Overwatch's engine has a 300 FPS limit. Doom (2016)'s id Tech 6 engine FPS has a 200 FPS limit.
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There basically is nothing you can do to get that high of a framerate unless you continue to drop settings until you do. APEX Legends does not benefit from SLI, so investing in another 2080ti is just wasted money.

You could try overclocking your 9900k to 5ghz or so assuming you have a competent cooler.

To be honest, although there is a big number gap between 144hz to 360hz, I doubt you will feel much difference going from 144 to 360hz. Currently, even pro gamers say that there really isn't a very big difference between 144hz to 240hz.
I'm using a 4k 144hz monitor and would really like to go back to 1080p 360hz (for competitive fps) when those monitors are released. Right now with my 2080 Ti I get about 300fps @1080p. Wondering what I could upgrade to hit 400fps?

i9-9900K @ stock
PNY Anarchy X 3200MHz 24GB XMP Profile
AsRock Extreme 4 z370
Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti Windforce OC 11GB @ stock
Seasonic Focus+ 750w
here's a real fix, for more info reply with a ?
You could certainly try overclocking both CPU and GPU, when you overclock at already insane FPSs like 300, you could probably get boosts to get close to those 400fps... doesn't make any sense to me to buy another 2080 just to attempt to reach 400 FPS as it makes no difference at all from 300 to 400.

else you could also be patient and wait the new ampere cards, they will certainly be quite more powerful than what we have best and provide you the FPS you want.
drophdgaming, one question that I forgot to ask: What is the capacity of the memory in each one of the DIMM slots? Also, please see below to verify that you've maintained dual channel configuration for your Asrock Z370 Extreme4.

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How "competitive" are you exactly? Linus Tech Tips recently did a refresh rate study with a handful of today's top competitive gamers, and it was interesting that most/ all of them were using 60Hz monitors up until a couple years ago even.

I have a hard time believing that getting above 240FPS/Hz is going to give you the competitive gains you need. At some point it still boils down to skill, accuracy, and natural reaction time.
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It is all a complete waste of money. What monitor is going to display this frame rate? What human eye can distinguish it?

If you want bragging rights for an FPS benchmark, then you have to ask yourself how much that bragging right is worth.

It will NOT, however make gameplay any smoother, or make you any better at it. I would be extremely surprised if anyone could reliably prove that someone can tell the difference between 100fps vs 120, or 144.

Chasing that super high FPS number is utterly pointless - and if you have that kind of money to throw away at it, I would gladly accept gifts of expensive computer hardware instead!