So I'm building a PC at the moment that needs to be able to support large file transfers fast, primary use is gaming but I'm going to be running a few development systems from it that pack a punch. I was initially going to go with an OCZ 240GB Vector 150 Series SSD, but after buying my AsRock Z97 Extreme6 I quickly became aware of it's x4 M.2 SSD functionality - and in turn, have looked at buying an XP941.
Now, I plan to run the system in the first instance with a single GTX970, and I don't mind that being dropped down to x8 rather than x16, in all honesty I don't think that anything is going to be so demanding it'll need the full set of channels. The drawback comes in when I add, as I plan to, a second GTX970 in SLI, which will then be running on x4, the other x4 being for the M.2 - is that going to be a noticeable impact? Google seems to suggest no but I wanted to double check.
In addition, I've seen a lot about the XP941 running at 110 degrees+ - how major of an issue are we talking here, is it something that can be worked around, is it dangerous... etc.
TL;DR: Is an XP941 worth it, are they safe, are the implications in terms of PCIe channels worth it and, as a bonus, is there a better SSD around 256GB that I've missed?
Now, I plan to run the system in the first instance with a single GTX970, and I don't mind that being dropped down to x8 rather than x16, in all honesty I don't think that anything is going to be so demanding it'll need the full set of channels. The drawback comes in when I add, as I plan to, a second GTX970 in SLI, which will then be running on x4, the other x4 being for the M.2 - is that going to be a noticeable impact? Google seems to suggest no but I wanted to double check.
In addition, I've seen a lot about the XP941 running at 110 degrees+ - how major of an issue are we talking here, is it something that can be worked around, is it dangerous... etc.
TL;DR: Is an XP941 worth it, are they safe, are the implications in terms of PCIe channels worth it and, as a bonus, is there a better SSD around 256GB that I've missed?
AsRock Z97 Extreme6
Swiftech H220X
4 x 1TB HDD in Raid 10
16 GB RAM @ 1600MHz
Corsair C750M