
Sep 9, 2011
Hi there, I'm quite worried about the state of my pc at the moment. I never really have allot of money so i can usually only upgrade one thing every few months. I've had this system for a few years now and in the process of upgrading bit by bit.
My system specs are

Mb= Asus M3N78 Pro
Ram=4gig DDR2
Processor= ADM Athlon 64 Dual Core 3ghz a core.
Graphics card. Ati Sapphire Radeon 6870HD 1 gig. (purchased two days ago)
Windows 7 32 Bit.
500W none Generic PS not sure of the make sorry.

Ok a few days ago I bought the Ati 6870 upgraded from the 4850 model, I installed into my computer fine loaded the drivers, restarted and played the computer for around 8 hours.

When I woke up the next morning i switched it on to check my mail and an extremely loud fan noise came on, and windows refused to load. Came on for around 10 seconds then shut off. It did this like 3 times in a row.
For fear of me causing further damage i switched it off and left it for about 2 hours. I came back to it unplugged all the wires in the back of the case and put them all back in again. Came on and works ok now.

Thing is since that's happened and me not knowing what was wrong I daren't even play a game incase i cause some major damage. I did not build this myself i just budget for whatever parts i can get and a friend of mine puts the parts in for me.

I downloaded speed fan to test if i fan is not working or something like that, appart from the temp 3 which must be a bug it picks up all the fans i have. My idle temps seem really high to me.

My Cpu is around 46C idle
MB is 33c and my core is 43c. My main concern is that my power supply unit is only at the minimum power wattage that the card acctually needs. 500W for the card and my psu is 500. I've seen a 650w for around £70 all been well I can get that next week sometime do you think this wlll help?

By christmas time i would of hoped to of got a new mother board. then Black edition quadcore and finally my DDR3 ram.

Any idea please of what could of caused the issue and do you think I would cause damage by playing any games? Thanks you. Rob
Your generic PSU is a problem, but not the wattage. Rather, any claims to wattage made on a generic PSU are normally false or inflated or misleading.

A 6870 does not require too much power, but it needs 12V power. To be safe you will need about 400W worth of 12V power for your system. More than a cheap generic PSU can offer.

Is that your problem? I don't know for sure... but the act of unplugging power and then plugging it back in seems to have helped, and that often is a PSU sign.

An Athlon 64 dual core is going to run a bit hot. If your room ambient temp is high and ventilation in your case minimal, then the 46C temp is not unreasonable. You need to blow out any dust of course and verify that the fan is spinning. If the CPU cooler has been on the CPU for a very long time it may need re-installation with fresh thermal paste.

Let me suggest some PSUs. Regardless of the actual issue, you need to replace that one as a priority.

In order of desirability and price:

Antec Neo eco 520C

Corsair CX500

Rosewill RG430


Sep 9, 2011
Thanks allot for the information, I think I'm going to go a tad higher on the Psu I was thinking of something like this,

I figured with purchasing something around that power would enable me to upgrade more without having to replace the at a later date when I buy the processor. My main concern now is If i play a game and it overheats without any warning sign and takes all my hard ware with it that I can't replace.
Here are some real PSUs for you to consider

XFX 450W

OCZ 500W

OCZ 600W

Corsair TX650

Antec 620W


Sep 9, 2011
Edit: Didn't reresh before you replied the list from the Website I think I'l go with the OcZ one at the top. Do you think 600w will be enough for the future upgrades I listed on my original post?


Sep 9, 2011

Ok thanks allot for help mate.