[SOLVED] After 6 months away, computer has reverted to older state?


Nov 4, 2017
After being away for 6 months, I come back to find not all is well with my desktop.

I noticed one section of my files seems to have reverted back to an old state because I added folders and have done work there previously organizing pictures and things but that work is no longer there. I also had games installed which are no longer there.

I've experienced other issues as well. I had to relink my Steam library for instance (which oc now has entire missing games).

I have no idea how to fix this or what caused it so I'd appreciate any help, thank you.

Edit: just realized this happened sometime before I left for 6 months, actually.
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After your EDIT, it is hard to tell what the issue might be, if there even was one.

Please clarify.

I uploaded a folder of files to an online cloud. However, I'm seeing the same folder structure in my backup as on my computer. So both my cloud backup and local versions are missing the work I've done. I guess I hadn't noticed at the time.
You uploaded to your cloud 6 months ago.
Did nothing with it since.
Somehow, your cloud downsynced to your local storage, and overwrote what you have.

Does this sound like the chain of events?

No, I worked on some files then something happened to make me lose my work.
The issue happened before I uploaded files to my cloud 6 months ago b/c my current files and the cloud's files match perfectly right now.
So the 6 months thing is pretty irrelevant to the issue.