revanchrist :
logainofhades :
revanchrist :
enemy1g :
I have the option in 2 years to upgrade. You won't with your AMD CPU.

Have fun with your APUs.
I see, so now you are trying to go personal instead of staying on the topic. Unforetunately i'm very happy with my current rig with a i5-4670k + r9 270x. It's just that i can't stand people spreading wrong information to mislead people. I can now see that you are a fan of Intel but still you shouldn't make false accusation on AMD.
AM3+ is a dead socket and Kaveri was a joke. There is no false info there. AMD isn't releasing a high end desktop chip till, at least, Excavator, which is 2015. Excavator, from what I have understood, will be a new socket and possibly ddr4. Buying an FX 8350, you already are getting the best you really are going to get from AM3+. FX 9xxx are a total waste of $$$. FX 8320/8350 are decent chips, but the platform is a dead end. I have 2, FX 8320's myself. I really couldn't turn down Microcenter's $100 deal on them.
You sir is another guy who can't really see anything out of the picture, right?
1st like me clarify things here. Assuming you are going to buy a Haswell i5 4670k today and pair up with a z87 motherboard. Half a year later, you want to upgrade, you are looking at the market again, there are all these new Broadwell cpus but unfortunately when you buy a Broadwell you have to buy a new motherboard because your current z87 motherboard is not compatible, you'll need either z97 or h97. Then half a year later again, you want to upgrade again. You are now looking at new Skylake line of cpus. Again, you motherboard is not compatible, because you'll need a socket lga 1151 motherboard. And yes, buying new cpu+motherboard again. And one year after that, whether the Skylake Refresh or Skylake-E line of cpus need a new motherboard or compatible with 1st gen Skylake is something no one know yet. The same goes with AMD, for now probably. If you are picking a FX 8320 or 8350 now, one year later when you do your upgrade, no matter you are choosing AMD (if they do come out with a fx line of new cpus) or Intel, you'll have to pay full money on new cpu + new motherboard because your current motherboard will be incompatible. Now do you see it? There is no upgradability or so called upgrade path no matter what you buy now. It is dead-end on both camp! You have to buy new motherboard no matter what. You can see things from a much wider perspective when you stay neutral and not picking sides. The conclusion is just like what Daniel Sudakov said, choose the best cpu option for youself and not looking into so called future upgrade path because there is no such thing.
If you pick a 8350 and want to upgrade half a year later, guess what, you can't.
And seriously, unless you're talking aobut the extremely wealthy, no one is going to upgrade from literally the top tier CPU in half a year, and continue that trend.
If you pick a 8350 and want to upgrade in ~2 years, you're probably looking at getting an APU.
And obviously, Intel will keep producing i5s, so you have that option in ~2 years.
Seriously though, who the hell upgrades every half year? Get out of this thread already.