After XP SP2 install



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

I recently installed XP SP2 and a quirk of sorts has developed. My OS is
WinXP Home running on a 2Ghz w/1G ram. I have DSL and when I now log on to
the web there are now 2 icons that indicate a connection. One is the normal
icon with 2 computers that indicates my regular internet connection. The
2nd is the same icon with a yellow triangle and "!" on it.

When I click on the 2nd icon, a dialog box pops up that has a "general" and
a "support" tab. Under "general" the status says "limited or no
connectivity" and under "support" the same message also appears with a
"details" or "repair" option. Under "details" my network connection details
also say "limited or no connectivity". If you click "repair" a dialog box
appears that says "Windows is taking the following action: Renewing your IP
address". After a few moments a 2nd dialog box opens up that says "Windows
could not finish repairing the problem because the IP address could not be
renewed. Please consult your network manager".

I am able to still connect to the web, however I have noticed that now many
of my usual sites now timeout or are unable to be displayed. Also, when I
am using the net, a small box keeps randomly popping up that is notification
of the above mentioned error. You can simply close the box, but it will
come back in just a while. Can anyone suggest anything that I might check
or some MS resources to check this out?

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)


Check your hardware properties and see if it is listing
two LAN adapters, if it does, one will probably have the
triangle indicating its not setup properly. If you only
have one network adapter, you should just be able to
delete the extra one with the triangle, that should solve
the problem.


>-----Original Message-----
>I recently installed XP SP2 and a quirk of sorts has
developed. My OS is
>WinXP Home running on a 2Ghz w/1G ram. I have DSL and
when I now log on to
>the web there are now 2 icons that indicate a
connection. One is the normal
>icon with 2 computers that indicates my regular internet
connection. The
>2nd is the same icon with a yellow triangle and "!" on it.
>When I click on the 2nd icon, a dialog box pops up that
has a "general" and
>a "support" tab. Under "general" the status
says "limited or no
>connectivity" and under "support" the same message also
appears with a
>"details" or "repair" option. Under "details" my network
connection details
>also say "limited or no connectivity". If you
click "repair" a dialog box
>appears that says "Windows is taking the following
action: Renewing your IP
>address". After a few moments a 2nd dialog box opens up
that says "Windows
>could not finish repairing the problem because the IP
address could not be
>renewed. Please consult your network manager".
>I am able to still connect to the web, however I have
noticed that now many
>of my usual sites now timeout or are unable to be
displayed. Also, when I
>am using the net, a small box keeps randomly popping up
that is notification
>of the above mentioned error. You can simply close the
box, but it will
>come back in just a while. Can anyone suggest anything
that I might check
>or some MS resources to check this out?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)


Thanks for your reply it is greatly appreciated. If I understood correctly
you are suggesting that I check in Device Manager for two LAN adapters. I
checked and there is only one, ADMtek AN983 10/100 PCI adapter, which is the
adapter that is installed and it shows as working correctly. I do not have
any other adapters listed. Also, nothing in the Device Manager area is
marked with an "!" to indicate any problems. Is there maybe something else
that you might suggest?

Thanks Again,

"Jeff" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Check your hardware properties and see if it is listing
> two LAN adapters, if it does, one will probably have the
> triangle indicating its not setup properly. If you only
> have one network adapter, you should just be able to
> delete the extra one with the triangle, that should solve
> the problem.
> Jeff
>>-----Original Message-----
>>I recently installed XP SP2 and a quirk of sorts has
> developed. My OS is
>>WinXP Home running on a 2Ghz w/1G ram. I have DSL and
> when I now log on to
>>the web there are now 2 icons that indicate a
> connection. One is the normal
>>icon with 2 computers that indicates my regular internet
> connection. The
>>2nd is the same icon with a yellow triangle and "!" on it.
>>When I click on the 2nd icon, a dialog box pops up that
> has a "general" and
>>a "support" tab. Under "general" the status
> says "limited or no
>>connectivity" and under "support" the same message also
> appears with a
>>"details" or "repair" option. Under "details" my network
> connection details
>>also say "limited or no connectivity". If you
> click "repair" a dialog box
>>appears that says "Windows is taking the following
> action: Renewing your IP
>>address". After a few moments a 2nd dialog box opens up
> that says "Windows
>>could not finish repairing the problem because the IP
> address could not be
>>renewed. Please consult your network manager".
>>I am able to still connect to the web, however I have
> noticed that now many
>>of my usual sites now timeout or are unable to be
> displayed. Also, when I
>>am using the net, a small box keeps randomly popping up
> that is notification
>>of the above mentioned error. You can simply close the
> box, but it will
>>come back in just a while. Can anyone suggest anything
> that I might check
>>or some MS resources to check this out?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

I had the same problem.

try winsockfix.exe

"J Stewart" <> wrote in message
> Jeff,
> Thanks for your reply it is greatly appreciated. If I understood
> correctly you are suggesting that I check in Device Manager for two LAN
> adapters. I checked and there is only one, ADMtek AN983 10/100 PCI
> adapter, which is the adapter that is installed and it shows as working
> correctly. I do not have any other adapters listed. Also, nothing in the
> Device Manager area is marked with an "!" to indicate any problems. Is
> there maybe something else that you might suggest?
> Thanks Again,
> James
> "Jeff" <> wrote in message
> news:117b01c48c0b$5ca56a90$a601280a@phx.gbl...
>> Hi,
>> Check your hardware properties and see if it is listing
>> two LAN adapters, if it does, one will probably have the
>> triangle indicating its not setup properly. If you only
>> have one network adapter, you should just be able to
>> delete the extra one with the triangle, that should solve
>> the problem.
>> Jeff
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>I recently installed XP SP2 and a quirk of sorts has
>> developed. My OS is
>>>WinXP Home running on a 2Ghz w/1G ram. I have DSL and
>> when I now log on to
>>>the web there are now 2 icons that indicate a
>> connection. One is the normal
>>>icon with 2 computers that indicates my regular internet
>> connection. The
>>>2nd is the same icon with a yellow triangle and "!" on it.
>>>When I click on the 2nd icon, a dialog box pops up that
>> has a "general" and
>>>a "support" tab. Under "general" the status
>> says "limited or no
>>>connectivity" and under "support" the same message also
>> appears with a
>>>"details" or "repair" option. Under "details" my network
>> connection details
>>>also say "limited or no connectivity". If you
>> click "repair" a dialog box
>>>appears that says "Windows is taking the following
>> action: Renewing your IP
>>>address". After a few moments a 2nd dialog box opens up
>> that says "Windows
>>>could not finish repairing the problem because the IP
>> address could not be
>>>renewed. Please consult your network manager".
>>>I am able to still connect to the web, however I have
>> noticed that now many
>>>of my usual sites now timeout or are unable to be
>> displayed. Also, when I
>>>am using the net, a small box keeps randomly popping up
>> that is notification
>>>of the above mentioned error. You can simply close the
>> box, but it will
>>>come back in just a while. Can anyone suggest anything
>> that I might check
>>>or some MS resources to check this out?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

Thanks I will give that a try.

"Heineken77" <> wrote in message
> I had the same problem.
> try winsockfix.exe
> "J Stewart" <> wrote in message
> news:vHKXc.7850$
> > Jeff,
> >
> > Thanks for your reply it is greatly appreciated. If I understood
> > correctly you are suggesting that I check in Device Manager for two LAN
> > adapters. I checked and there is only one, ADMtek AN983 10/100 PCI
> > adapter, which is the adapter that is installed and it shows as working
> > correctly. I do not have any other adapters listed. Also, nothing in
> > Device Manager area is marked with an "!" to indicate any problems. Is
> > there maybe something else that you might suggest?
> >
> > Thanks Again,
> > James
> >
> >
> > "Jeff" <> wrote in message
> > news:117b01c48c0b$5ca56a90$a601280a@phx.gbl...
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Check your hardware properties and see if it is listing
> >> two LAN adapters, if it does, one will probably have the
> >> triangle indicating its not setup properly. If you only
> >> have one network adapter, you should just be able to
> >> delete the extra one with the triangle, that should solve
> >> the problem.
> >>
> >> Jeff
> >>
> >>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>I recently installed XP SP2 and a quirk of sorts has
> >> developed. My OS is
> >>>WinXP Home running on a 2Ghz w/1G ram. I have DSL and
> >> when I now log on to
> >>>the web there are now 2 icons that indicate a
> >> connection. One is the normal
> >>>icon with 2 computers that indicates my regular internet
> >> connection. The
> >>>2nd is the same icon with a yellow triangle and "!" on it.
> >>>
> >>>When I click on the 2nd icon, a dialog box pops up that
> >> has a "general" and
> >>>a "support" tab. Under "general" the status
> >> says "limited or no
> >>>connectivity" and under "support" the same message also
> >> appears with a
> >>>"details" or "repair" option. Under "details" my network
> >> connection details
> >>>also say "limited or no connectivity". If you
> >> click "repair" a dialog box
> >>>appears that says "Windows is taking the following
> >> action: Renewing your IP
> >>>address". After a few moments a 2nd dialog box opens up
> >> that says "Windows
> >>>could not finish repairing the problem because the IP
> >> address could not be
> >>>renewed. Please consult your network manager".
> >>>
> >>>I am able to still connect to the web, however I have
> >> noticed that now many
> >>>of my usual sites now timeout or are unable to be
> >> displayed. Also, when I
> >>>am using the net, a small box keeps randomly popping up
> >> that is notification
> >>>of the above mentioned error. You can simply close the
> >> box, but it will
> >>>come back in just a while. Can anyone suggest anything
> >> that I might check
> >>>or some MS resources to check this out?
> >>>
> >>>Thanks,
> >>>James
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>.
> >>>
> >
> >
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

No problem :) Hope it works for ya!

"J Stewart" <> wrote in message
> Thanks I will give that a try.
> "Heineken77" <> wrote in message
> news:Y%WXc.83069$
>> I had the same problem.
>> try winsockfix.exe
>> "J Stewart" <> wrote in message
>> news:vHKXc.7850$
>> > Jeff,
>> >
>> > Thanks for your reply it is greatly appreciated. If I understood
>> > correctly you are suggesting that I check in Device Manager for two LAN
>> > adapters. I checked and there is only one, ADMtek AN983 10/100 PCI
>> > adapter, which is the adapter that is installed and it shows as working
>> > correctly. I do not have any other adapters listed. Also, nothing in
> the
>> > Device Manager area is marked with an "!" to indicate any problems. Is
>> > there maybe something else that you might suggest?
>> >
>> > Thanks Again,
>> > James
>> >
>> >
>> > "Jeff" <> wrote in message
>> > news:117b01c48c0b$5ca56a90$a601280a@phx.gbl...
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> Check your hardware properties and see if it is listing
>> >> two LAN adapters, if it does, one will probably have the
>> >> triangle indicating its not setup properly. If you only
>> >> have one network adapter, you should just be able to
>> >> delete the extra one with the triangle, that should solve
>> >> the problem.
>> >>
>> >> Jeff
>> >>
>> >>>-----Original Message-----
>> >>>I recently installed XP SP2 and a quirk of sorts has
>> >> developed. My OS is
>> >>>WinXP Home running on a 2Ghz w/1G ram. I have DSL and
>> >> when I now log on to
>> >>>the web there are now 2 icons that indicate a
>> >> connection. One is the normal
>> >>>icon with 2 computers that indicates my regular internet
>> >> connection. The
>> >>>2nd is the same icon with a yellow triangle and "!" on it.
>> >>>
>> >>>When I click on the 2nd icon, a dialog box pops up that
>> >> has a "general" and
>> >>>a "support" tab. Under "general" the status
>> >> says "limited or no
>> >>>connectivity" and under "support" the same message also
>> >> appears with a
>> >>>"details" or "repair" option. Under "details" my network
>> >> connection details
>> >>>also say "limited or no connectivity". If you
>> >> click "repair" a dialog box
>> >>>appears that says "Windows is taking the following
>> >> action: Renewing your IP
>> >>>address". After a few moments a 2nd dialog box opens up
>> >> that says "Windows
>> >>>could not finish repairing the problem because the IP
>> >> address could not be
>> >>>renewed. Please consult your network manager".
>> >>>
>> >>>I am able to still connect to the web, however I have
>> >> noticed that now many
>> >>>of my usual sites now timeout or are unable to be
>> >> displayed. Also, when I
>> >>>am using the net, a small box keeps randomly popping up
>> >> that is notification
>> >>>of the above mentioned error. You can simply close the
>> >> box, but it will
>> >>>come back in just a while. Can anyone suggest anything
>> >> that I might check
>> >>>or some MS resources to check this out?
>> >>>
>> >>>Thanks,
>> >>>James
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>.
>> >>>
>> >
>> >