AGAIN! SLI Asus 670's or Titan???


Jan 31, 2013
Titan announced today and holy ***...the craftsmanship on that card looks phenomenal. Vapor chamber! Basically on-board liquid cooling!

My question still stands, though. I am looking to do triple 1080p monitors and I want to be able to mod games and max the settings while still getting a seamless 50-60fps across all three. I currently have a single 660ti and I'm very happy with the performance it gives on a single monitor but I would still like a higher framerate on my more demanding games (modded Crysis, modded Skyrim, Crysis 2, Metro 2033, Arma 2).

For this setup does it look as though the Titan will be able to pull off superior performance with nVidia Surround? Or will dual 670's (Asus Top version) overclocked be better? I'm going back to college this fall and will be broke for the next few years so I'm trying to build a PC now that will last me awhile.

Yeah a lot of folks say it's not gonna be worth it I was just looking for additional opinions.

And haha, I'm working and will have a bit to blow, plus finishing my PC is a big goal of mine. Thanks for the tip though 😛
Big Mack is correct in part of his statement. You will need 2 Titans in SLI to run your a multiple screen setup @ 5760x1080 using pretty high settings on new AAA games.

The incorrect part is Tri-SLI is more expensive, @ $1400 vs $1000 for a Titan. But 3-way SLI introduces problems with 50% of games plus you have less smooth gameplay even though FPS might be higher, due to higher frame latency in 3-way SLI. Trust me i know. I have run 2-way, 3-way & 4-way 670 SLI @ 5760x1080.

The other problem is the 256bit memory bus on the 670s that will cause problems with higher settings combined with high AA on many games.

The best 2 options at this current point are:
1.) 2-way SLI Titans

2.) 2-way SLI 680s 2gb. (Because 4gb are a waste of money due the bus bandwidth chocking at high VRAM levels)

Benifits of Titans:
-Will be able to turn up settings more with higher FPS
-More future proof with higher vram and bus
-higher OC potential
-runs quieter

Benifits of 680:
-better bang for the buck

The titan sli is only going to give you about 40% more performance over the 680 SLI , but will cost you twice as much. Choice is yours. If you got a lot of cash, nothing will beat Titan SLI in gameplay smoothness and future proof longevity.
Wait what? 680's better bang for buck are you serious??
The 670s with a bit oc are like 5% behind the 680 and a lot cheaper.
I would not advice any one to get a 680.

Now your best bet of all would be 7970's SLI Vaporiser 6GB. Now thats bang for Buck!!
Would be my choice over the titan any day, but as i got Nvidia 3d monitors 27" i cant go with AMD 🙁

Calm down there Rambo. My "best bang" was in reference to the 680sli vs Titan. You are correct the 670 does have a better price/performance ratio.

I cannot recommend 7000 series in CF at this current time due to high frame times, which in turns displays choppy gameplay. Even though the 7000s have the higher FPS, the choppy gameplay makes it look much lower.