Archived from groups: alt.games.civ3 (More info?)
I just had a *VERY* weird game. (Standard size, continental map, 7
AI's, Regent)
Things were going normally up through about nationalism. If anything,
I was slightly behind on tech. I had the largest empire but not by
any great stretch. I switched to Democracy as soon as I discovered it
and I never changed after that.
Twice people tried to pick fights with me. In each case they took one
city of little importance (although I later hated it when I learned
one of those cities had oil--something I only got later by conquest.)
and I went and bribed everyone else in the world to go to war with
them--at which point they left me alone.
I got no oil. Going into the 4th era I decided I had to remedy this
situation even though it meant attacking with infantry. Fortunately,
the oil was only two cities across the French border. I took 5 French
cities and the Greeks took one. I made peace, the Greeks took one
I returned to peaceful development and noticed that while the French
had infantry in our war nobody else in the world did.
I went for computers to get mech inf and then decided that since
nobody else had tanks I could take a breather--I went for genetics and
robotics. Still no threats in the world. I get Modern Armor and
start building up a strike force. Still no threats.
I decide it's time to use my army. France is on the end of an arm
with no other connection to the rest of the world, it makes them a
good first target.
No radar towers. My MA makes quick work of the infantry defending the
cities. *NO* losses on my part, it's all over in 4 turns. It would
have been 3 except he had no railroads. (No iron.) Ok, an easy
victory but I wasn't too surprised.
Note that at this point I have only half a dozen techs left to study.
Nobody else has infantry or tanks.
At this point my neighbors are Korea and Greece. Korea looks weaker,
I decide to stomp on them a bit. I take half of their empire and then
demand some techs (I skipped over some) and a city for peace. This
battle was even easier--MA vs riflemen.
Now, Carthage tries some extortion for some insane reason. I tell
them no way and they actually declare war. I give Korea a tech for
ROP (Carthage was on the other side of them.) and go munch on
Carthage. 4 turns later I let the Incas take out the last of them.
This time they had a few infantry, mostly riflemen.
I'm busy cleaning up things for a while, when the 20 turns are up I
cancel the ROP with Korea and then take them out in a single turn.
Still only riflemen.
Greece was my next target, they actually were doing a bit of studying.
I faced about 1 TOW infantry per city, the remainder a mix of infantry
and riflemen. That's not enough to stop 4xMA armies. Two turns and
there are no more greeks.
Persia took 4 turns to take out the main part of their empire, that
only because their cities were farther apart than normal for some
reason. Only my armies could attack on the turn they entered his
empire. Here I found few riflemen, even--most of the defenders were
pikemen. (Note: No saltpeter there.)
I couldn't get to the last Persian city so I left it be and started in
on the Inca. 3 turns, no Inca. I actually lost a MA against the last
That's where it stands now. I've just about conquered the world for
the total losses of 1 MA and yet we were neck-and-neck going into the
industrial era.
Note, also, that I've found only about 3 factories in the whole world
other than my own.
Nobody had large armies, everybody had zero gold--my whole campaign
didn't get a single gold piece. Where in the hell did all their money
go??? It didn't go into science, it didn't go into armies, it didn't
go into improvements. I built every wonder of the industrial era and
I just had a *VERY* weird game. (Standard size, continental map, 7
AI's, Regent)
Things were going normally up through about nationalism. If anything,
I was slightly behind on tech. I had the largest empire but not by
any great stretch. I switched to Democracy as soon as I discovered it
and I never changed after that.
Twice people tried to pick fights with me. In each case they took one
city of little importance (although I later hated it when I learned
one of those cities had oil--something I only got later by conquest.)
and I went and bribed everyone else in the world to go to war with
them--at which point they left me alone.
I got no oil. Going into the 4th era I decided I had to remedy this
situation even though it meant attacking with infantry. Fortunately,
the oil was only two cities across the French border. I took 5 French
cities and the Greeks took one. I made peace, the Greeks took one
I returned to peaceful development and noticed that while the French
had infantry in our war nobody else in the world did.
I went for computers to get mech inf and then decided that since
nobody else had tanks I could take a breather--I went for genetics and
robotics. Still no threats in the world. I get Modern Armor and
start building up a strike force. Still no threats.
I decide it's time to use my army. France is on the end of an arm
with no other connection to the rest of the world, it makes them a
good first target.
No radar towers. My MA makes quick work of the infantry defending the
cities. *NO* losses on my part, it's all over in 4 turns. It would
have been 3 except he had no railroads. (No iron.) Ok, an easy
victory but I wasn't too surprised.
Note that at this point I have only half a dozen techs left to study.
Nobody else has infantry or tanks.
At this point my neighbors are Korea and Greece. Korea looks weaker,
I decide to stomp on them a bit. I take half of their empire and then
demand some techs (I skipped over some) and a city for peace. This
battle was even easier--MA vs riflemen.
Now, Carthage tries some extortion for some insane reason. I tell
them no way and they actually declare war. I give Korea a tech for
ROP (Carthage was on the other side of them.) and go munch on
Carthage. 4 turns later I let the Incas take out the last of them.
This time they had a few infantry, mostly riflemen.
I'm busy cleaning up things for a while, when the 20 turns are up I
cancel the ROP with Korea and then take them out in a single turn.
Still only riflemen.
Greece was my next target, they actually were doing a bit of studying.
I faced about 1 TOW infantry per city, the remainder a mix of infantry
and riflemen. That's not enough to stop 4xMA armies. Two turns and
there are no more greeks.
Persia took 4 turns to take out the main part of their empire, that
only because their cities were farther apart than normal for some
reason. Only my armies could attack on the turn they entered his
empire. Here I found few riflemen, even--most of the defenders were
pikemen. (Note: No saltpeter there.)
I couldn't get to the last Persian city so I left it be and started in
on the Inca. 3 turns, no Inca. I actually lost a MA against the last
That's where it stands now. I've just about conquered the world for
the total losses of 1 MA and yet we were neck-and-neck going into the
industrial era.
Note, also, that I've found only about 3 factories in the whole world
other than my own.
Nobody had large armies, everybody had zero gold--my whole campaign
didn't get a single gold piece. Where in the hell did all their money
go??? It didn't go into science, it didn't go into armies, it didn't
go into improvements. I built every wonder of the industrial era and