Question Air cooler for 9950X3D?


Dec 4, 2015
Hello mates!

I was looking for a cooler for my new cpu and i was thinking in ID-COOLING FROZN A620 ARGB (270 TDP) or ID-COOLING FX360 INF (350 TDP)

I don't like AIO but if is needed, i should stand aside my judgement lol

Let me know what you think!

I have used three coolers for cooling 9950x3d(CCD0 -36 CCD1 -30, no additional frequency), with every one of them, I ran a R23 test, here is the result:
The first cooler is Coolmaster Hyper 612 Apex, at 100% speed it can get 44280 in R23, and it's not noisy.
The second one is Deepcool LE360 v2(I'm not sure about it's English name, it's called 冰果360), at 100% speed it got 45500 in R23, but it's too noisy due to its fans. I limited the fan speed to make to noise not higher than the hyper 612, and got 44500 in R23.
The second one is a non-famous brand one, Jiushark JF500, I got 42000 after limiting its speed to 80%.

These 44000-45500 scores are achieved at 5.2-5.3G when CPU is running at 210 watts, it's the balance point of performance/power ratio. I'll explain it further in the next reply.
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Perhaps AMD is concerned that their products fall into the same hole that Intel had, the 9950x and 9950x3d all have a new limit called HTFmax, which means that even though they don't reach the max temperature, the frequency will still go down. Only when the CPU is below 55 degrees can I saw it running at 5.5G+, and the frequency won't go higher than 5.35G when it's 71 degrees.
I tested it with a low-end 360 AIO(45USD), a high-end air cooler(45USD) and a budget air cooler(15USD), none of them can significantly press the temperature down to avoid the CPU from being limited by the HTFmax.
So, I'll recommend a air cooler whose performance is similar to Coolermaster Hyper612. Adding more budget to the cooler won't significantly improve the performance until you use a distributed water cooler which is connected to a compressor (is it so called in English? I mean, not an AIO but a manually built water cooling system), but it's very expensive and not easy to maintain.

Some extra info about AIO:
I bought this AIO because a famous tester tested all famous AIO and asked the manufacturer about their products, and only Deepcool and Valkyrie send an engineer instead of a manager for answering. The engineer from Deepcool said that Deepcool focus on stability instead of extreme performance, thus installed a decompression valve on the AIO to avoid leaking. Deepcool had got great loss 10 years ago due to its high performance "captain AIO" 's frequent leaking, after that, it made the decision to focus on stability.
The manufacturer that choose an opposite way is Valkyrie, it tends to choose extreme performance instead of stability, but it provide great warranty. I haven't tested a Valkyrie AIO on 9950x3d, but I think the R23 score will not get great advance unless I bought a $200 v360AMG.
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