Alienware X51 CPU Upgrade


Dec 26, 2015
I have the new Alienware X51 R3 and I want to upgrade it from an i3 processor to an i7. I do, however, have some questions before choosing to do so or not.
1. What is a good choice for an i7 that wouldn't make my PC overheat?
2. Do I need to get a better power brick in order to upgrade to an i7 processor?
3. What are the chances that it will go wrong and I'll break my X51 (I have absolutely zero knowledge on building PCs)?
Please, please, PLEASE respond. Thank you.
you can buil the same PC that alienware sells, for less than half the price, Like i went to a electronics store a couple days ago, and there was a Gaming PC that was Priced at $3000AUD

SO i checked the specs, came home went online and found the same parts,and i could build it for $900AUD

this is just a helpfull tip for you for next time. SO you go to any PC shop,they will build you the same PC for much much less :)