How To 

All of Tyranny Console Commands

Like so many RPG games in the past, Tyranny provides you with access to the in game console so that you can enter in codes and cheats.

Step 1)The list of commands.
Thanks to a reddit user 'YomoPenisPotato' who compiled a complete list of all of the console commands that can be found in the data of the game itself. Not all of these are proven to actually do anything, but the entire full list can be found here:]][/url]

Step 2)How to use these codes.
To bring up the console you must press the '~' key to the left of the 1 key on your keyboard while in game, and then push enter to start typing. Then simply type in the command you want to use and press enter. Most of the commands are not enabled by default though, first you will have to enter in the code 'iRoll20s' into the console to enable the cheat mode.

Step 3)Which commands are most useful.
That list above is a long one, and not all of them are confirmed to be working, or even shows what it is that they do. So which ones would be most imported? Well, here's a quicker short list of verified ones.

additem money_01_ir X
Adds the desired amount of Iron Rings.

additem money_01_cr X
Adds the desired amount of Copper Rings.

additem money_01_br X
Adds the desired amount of Bronze Rings.

addexperience X
Adds the desired amount of experience to every member of your party.

All party members become invulnerable to damage. Enter a second time to disable god mode.

Restores all Stamina, wounds, and health points to current party members.

Unlocks and opens all the containers currently on the map, including every hidden container.

Forces party to rest at a camp without using Camping Supplies.

Turn off the game’s signature fog of war feature, thus allowing you to see the entire map.

I would suggest leaving the command console alone for your first play through of the game though, it will really make things more worthwhile for you to experiment with this later once you've already beat the game normally once, but it's up to you Fatebinder!