All settings were reset to default values?

vasu srivastava

Apr 2, 2012

It happens every first boot of the day for some reason.

Any idea why it is happening?

I bought the system last year in December.


This is how it goes. I shutdown computer at 1 am at night, and next day I open it at around 7 am in morning to see this message along with system date which shows 2pm or so.
I'll still go with my first suggestion.
Your BIOS is either resetting because the settings you had failed (which they didn't because you were running fine) or the battery is dead and not saving your settings. Replace the large, chrome looking battery on the motherboard (about the size of a penny). Take note of which side is up
I'll still go with my first suggestion.
Your BIOS is either resetting because the settings you had failed (which they didn't because you were running fine) or the battery is dead and not saving your settings. Replace the large, chrome looking battery on the motherboard (about the size of a penny). Take note of which side is up
might be the cmos battery. you should check it, pull the battery out and use voltage tester. if it's dead replace it.
if it's not dead then houston we got a problem, you might want to inspect the battery cage, look for any foreign material build up such as rust.
if the battery cage looks okay, or problem persists after replacing with fresh battery i suggest calling warranty support.

oh also, some distributors put a warranty seal sticker on the cmos battery, if you see a sticker on it i suggest calling the shop you buy the motherboard from to make sure you dont void your warranty if you replace it yourself.

It automatically went fine. Nothing today. Will check the battery if it happens again. Thanks.