News Alleged Xbox Series X Refresh Revealed in Colossal FTC Court Docs Leak

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$500 for an all digital Xbox?? I'm assuming they'll sell a disc drive accessory, otherwise they just put the nail in their coffin.

If going all digital and not increasing gaming power, just get the Sony PS5 Digital for $400. I don't see a reason to buy the Xbox unless you really really want their terrible exclusives.

The next Sony Playstation 5 is leaked to also be all digital for $400. But offer a USB disc drive accessory. This will literally please everyone. Cheaper initial price, but can still play with discs and their older ps4 games. The disc drive will not work on older PS5's. I'm assuming because there must be an encryption chip on both sides of the usb connection.
So, the only significant improvement over the original is a 2TB drive, instead of 1TB.
I'm betting they'll use that as a justification for keeping the $500 price tag.
Even though high-speed 2TB SSDs are about half the price of what 1TB drives cost in Fall 2020...
So, the only significant improvement over the original is a 2TB drive, instead of 1TB.
I'm betting they'll use that as a justification for keeping the $500 price tag.
Even though high-speed 2TB SSDs are about half the price of what 1TB drives cost in Fall 2020...

I just bought a 2TB samsung 980 pro with built in heatsink for the ps5 for $99. So with a PS5 Digital for $400, you get about 600GB of on board usuable space + 2TB for the same price as this xbox. This xbox is a very hard sell.
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Just actually picked up a used series x on eBay for 385 shipped. Used of course. But not a bad deal and working great. This should hold me over a few years. I did have the series s that I traded, but I do notice a little difference in performance.

As far as all digital you could kind of see where they were going with the series s and game pass. It’s nice to be able to have discs but then if you totally cut off the used market I suppose that means more game sales which could be a death blow to places like GameStop. I could see smaller places surviving that deal in classic stuff though.
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Actually as far as games I do disagree. Keep in mind they may soon be closing the activision deal. Also, if you ever played the old fable games, it looks they are rebooting that. I also have seen things saying there’s a new Indiana Jones have possibly around the corner. Another one that’s probably in early stages is project 007.

Truth be told I’ve been playing on my series x more than my pc lately. As much as we don’t like all digital the truth is if you are on pc like with steam or other pc platforms, you’ve had to see this coming for years. Although I own red dead redemption 2 for Xbox on a disc, almost a pain to insert the disc when you are spoiled to clicking it and it launches with no disc. Though I will say I found a used copy of the original red dead redemption for Xbox 360 that is supposed to upscale to 4K on a series x. Haven’t played that game in years so that could be a fun game with the backwards compatibility.
MS going with Xbox Slim while Sony going for PS5 Pro for next year, power efficiency is nice and all but I'd rather pay to get better specs than for compromises.
I don't think the existence of an Xbox Slim means they aren't working on a midcycle upgraded Xbox. Slim's are released to reduce production costs. Microsoft admitted that Series X consoles were sold at a loss at launch of between $100 and $200. I doubt production costs have dropped enough to make it profitable now, so it's unrealistic to expect a price drop even with the loss of features.
Actually as far as games I do disagree. Keep in mind they may soon be closing the activision deal. Also, if you ever played the old fable games, it looks they are rebooting that. I also have seen things saying there’s a new Indiana Jones have possibly around the corner. Another one that’s probably in early stages is project 007.

Truth be told I’ve been playing on my series x more than my pc lately. As much as we don’t like all digital the truth is if you are on pc like with steam or other pc platforms, you’ve had to see this coming for years. Although I own red dead redemption 2 for Xbox on a disc, almost a pain to insert the disc when you are spoiled to clicking it and it launches with no disc. Though I will say I found a used copy of the original red dead redemption for Xbox 360 that is supposed to upscale to 4K on a series x. Haven’t played that game in years so that could be a fun game with the backwards compatibility.

If I'm going to play my old copies of Fable 1-3, its not going to be on this new Xbox. No disc drive means no backwards compatibility.

With how things have been goingthis gen, I just don't see a modern reboot and 2 (probably not exclusive) licensed tie-ins to dead movie franchises likely to even be good. So it would be surprising if they are system sellers.
Perhaps but would add to game pass. After all Sony has spider man which has been a big hit. Uncharted was big on PlayStation back in the day. Perhaps they are going for that?

It may be about getting people on game pass and into their ecosystem hence the series s for 300. As far as fable 1-3, the way I discovered then was game pass since they were on there. Otherwise I likely wouldn’t have tried them.
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