Almost ready to buy: System without graphics card


Apr 3, 2016
Im in Canada with a budget of around 1250  Canadian Yen Rupees Rubles monopoly monies (no higher than 1500 including the graphics card.. even though initially I thought no higher than 1250, but you know).

This will be my first build after a long time spent window shopping/watching personally irrelevant pc videos.

I plan to use the pc for media consumption, storage and gaming.

Part list:

Already have a mediocre microsoft keyboard, 100 dollar PlayStation 3d display and 5 dollar ebay mouse so, to save money I probably will just use these for now (please dont hurt me mechanical keyboard community)

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($300.07 @ Vuugo)
Motherboard: MSI B150M BAZOOKA Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($133.34 @ Vuugo)
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($60.45 @ Vuugo)
Storage: A-Data Premier SP550 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($84.72 @ DirectCanada)
Storage: Western Digital Blue 3TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($145.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case: Thermaltake Core V21 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($91.21 @ DirectCanada)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($100.37 @ Newegg Canada)
Case Fan: BitFenix Spectre LED 43.5 CFM 120mm Fan ($9.45 @ DirectCanada)
Total: $925.36
Prices include taxes, and discounts when available

Reasons behind choices:
CPU: Processor seems reasonable enough for gaming, costs significantly less than the k skew and doesnt require more money for a cpu cooler. Also, given this would be my first build it makes assembly much easier.

MOBO: Has usb 3.1 on the back, led lighting and no brown or green pcb.

SSD: Originally was looking at the 850 evo, but this is much less expensive for performance that isnt too much worse from what recommendations/reviews say.

HDD: I want a reasonable amount of space. Later when I can Il probably try to get 2 more to add redundancy and space through raid.

CASE: Its one of the few cases that show the graphics card the way it looks best, I love how minimalistic and cute the front looks, and the orientation will cover up the view of the stock cpu heat sink.

POWER SUPPLY: I was initially looking to save a little money by going with one of the cheaper but reputable non modular power supplies (500b), but boy do ketchup spaghetti cables look bad. If there was a good power supply with black cables for less money id be interested in finding it.

CASEFAN: I know airflow doesnt matter too much (unless your computer case is filled with carpet), but  I just wanted a little more light for the graphics card so the plan is to get this one fan to give the inside a dim level of illumination. Cheapest one I could find.

Future additions:

GPU: I guess Il be playing on integrated graphics for a while, but I dont want to get a 28nm graphics card when rumours have it that polaris cards are around the corner. Not sure which gpu il be getting but around 400-500 cad seems reasonable. Something equivalent to a 970/390 or in between the 390 and 380

Hard drives: Id really hate to lose data, as it would be a huge hassle so in the future id like to maybe upgrade this to 3 - 3 terabyte drives in raid 5 so that a drive can fail without data loss. I dont imagine too much important info will be on the ssd so I dont care too much about that. 

Monitors: Eventually id like a secondary monitor of some sort. Probably a smaller display  off to the side for things like team speak. Actually thinking something like one of those inexpensive portable monitors would work.

before coming up with this, here was my first parts list.

Just looking for any thoughts on this. If anything is missing or could be better etc.
Since you're planning on a future high-end GPU (and from what we know of them 'till now they won't be less power-hungry if not more, especially in the case of Polaris), you'll definitely need a more efficient PSU. The EVGA SuperNOVA P2 is one good example.

The MSI can be easily replaced with the similarly priced ASRock Z170M Pro4S, which has no limitations of higher DDR4 frequencies (+2133), and then you can go for a G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4-2800 or DDR4-2666, again, for the same price.

I would also replace the WD Blue with a Seagate Barracuda, as those run at a higher speed (7200rpm).

According to all the information ive seen about polaris and a little less on pascal, the new cards jump leaps and bounds in terms of power efficiency.

=/ This is true, but the aesthetics are a large part of why I picked this one out. leds on the back along with no gaudy heat sink colours. Its also why I picked the memory out. A clean Black and white scheme. I was even planning to get a gigabyte card to match it. I mean, since the processor picked isnt unlocked it isnt that big a deal and memory overclocking doesnt significantly boost performance, but Il look for a z board instead of a b wih similar features. Im already starting to spend a little more than I wanted to.

Edit: There is actually a z170 version of this motherboard around the price of the board you suggested. Still not convinced I need most of these features though considering I wont be doing sli/crossfire.

I just picked the wd because I heard rumours that the seagate 3tb drives specifically had terrible failure rates. Perhaps thats changed or Ive misremembered.
Power efficiency is one thing, consuming less power another. Also, I wouldn't take wccftech too seriously if I were you.

Have used both, got rid of the Blue drive simply because it had terrible performance issues (still haven't got rid of a 2TB Green) after a year. The Barracuda is running with no problems whatsoever 24-7, and coincidentally enough it's a 3TB model, too.