bit_user :
In anticipation of the numerous comments decrying VR to be a flop, I just want to remind folks that lots of innovators have gone belly-up, while the imitators who rode their coat tails often achieved stellar success.
Just a few examples: Fairchild Semiconductor gave way to Intel and others, Atari created console gaming before Nintendo and Sega, Altavista created web search before Yahoo and Google, and MySpace did social networking before Facebook. I'm sure you can think of others.
Succeeding in VR is going to mean playing the long game. I think we all know it's not going to happen overnight, but it's not disappearing either. Perhaps AR actually needs to go mainstream first, since it has more practical applications.
Yes it's a flop. But nothing more far away than I would like to say. I would LOVE that virtual reality became in a success.
3D TVs, Nintendo 3DS, and now VR is getting ill.
There aren't AAA games, apps that make anyone want to buy VR. May be, Resident Evil 7 with PSVR.
I would like to be wrong.