Am I Bottlenecking?


Apr 25, 2017
So slowly upgrading my pc can you tell me if Im bottlenecking so far and what i should upgrade next.

OS: Windows 7
CPU: Intel core i7 860
RAM: 8gb DDR3
PSU: Cooler Master GX 650W
GPU: MSI GTX 980ti Gaming 6gb

Check the image below, was playing Mass Effect Andromeda 1080p Most Ultra
you're not really bottlenecking until either your CPU or GPU throttles at 100% as the limiting factor. If you want to decide what to upgrade next, that's highly debatable, since you can always upgrade your monitor to 1440p, OS to windows 10, 7th gen i7 versus your current 1st gen i7 + z720 mobo + ddr4 ram, et cetra.

u dont need to upgrade for the sake up gaming. upgrade when you have excess money saved up, like $4000, then you can go bananas.
Thanks for the input bboiprfsr!Good to know Im not really bottle necking but I am wondering why Im not getting 60fps or above in game? like you said the CPU and GPU aren't going to 100% so whats stopping them from doing so you think?

Update: So I went to a different planet and I was able to get the GPU powering up into the 95% and the fps had a fairly big range 40 - 75. I cant really believe my cpu is able to keep up cause its so old. See image below