Amazon Dash Keeps Shoppers From Leaving the House

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Funny thing, yesterday I watched a cartoon about 4 aliens who had just found the internet and became addicted. They used it to get everything they need and never left their computers. In the end they ended up lazy, dirty and fat.

Looks like we are on the verge of just that.

Soon Amazon will have a service to wipe out butts clean.
Funny thing, yesterday I watched a cartoon about 4 aliens who had just found the internet and became addicted. They used it to get everything they need and never left their computers. In the end they ended up lazy, dirty and fat.

Looks like we are on the verge of just that.
How about, "we are on the verge of wasting less time grocery shopping and using fuel to go to the store and instead have products shipped -once- directly to our door"?
Funny thing, yesterday I watched a cartoon about 4 aliens who had just found the internet and became addicted. They used it to get everything they need and never left their computers. In the end they ended up lazy, dirty and fat.

Looks like we are on the verge of just that.

Soon Amazon will have a service to wipe out butts clean.

If Amazon tries that, butt-wiping will be classified as medical care by the government and will require oversight. By the time it all gets sorted out, the government will have penned a 1150 page guidance and limitations manual for the butt-wiping process. The government mandated process will be tolerant of all lifestyles and ensure that nobody feels offended by the required tasks. This thorough government procedure will ensure that all bums are equally clean, although people may elect to take a shower afterward to get the poop out of their hair.

Funny thing, yesterday I watched a cartoon about 4 aliens who had just found the internet and became addicted. They used it to get everything they need and never left their computers. In the end they ended up lazy, dirty and fat.

Looks like we are on the verge of just that.
How about, "we are on the verge of wasting less time grocery shopping and using fuel to go to the store and instead have products shipped -once- directly to our door"?

I am guessing the trucks doing said delivery do not use any fuel.

As well going shopping burns calories as does driving so it is another way to be lazy in my eyes.

wow I think you read it wrong, or i said it wrong! lol, I love the service! some people just got to go for a jog! some people really need it!. lol

Is that better? or has your 40hr week killed you? lol
Lazy mofo's, nothing like a jog to stretch those lungs!, Internet shop all you like lol

My initial knee-jerk reaction was similar to yours, but a few seconds of thought do indicate that this sort of thing has some big positives. Say a dozen households in a neighborhood order groceries on a Tuesday. Rather than having 12 individual cars clogging the road and burning fuel, the distributor (Amazon in this case) can chain the orders together and put one truck on the road to deliver the goods.

Tons of sci-fi movies have shown a future where people get whatever they want without having to go get it. Really, it would be a pretty sweet future where "shopping" becomes fully automated and takes a couple of minutes rather than tens of minutes (or even hours). I get the argument that this just makes people lazier, but honestly, tons of people don't do jack besides watch TV after work anyway. A 30 minute break from TV to get groceries isn't exactly the cure for a sedentary lifestyle, so I don't think that this actually enables people to be any more sedentary than they already are. In fact, not having to go to the grocery store makes for more time to go for a walk so it could do the opposite.

This is my thinking! go for a jog/walk whatever! its all good!

Oh and as a Dr I would have thought you would discourage lazyitus, 40hrs a week at a desk? come off it, every other day i do a hard graft for 12hrs odd. you do make me laugh.

Yeah so produce doesn't have barcodes and even if you can look it up I don't want someone else picking it. The same goes for meat.

I'm sure this is going to cost extra so is only for the elite.

So if they doorstep it what about the heat or the cold?

So, how many can have it sitting there without it being stolen? Just follow the Amazon truck.

If I live in an apartment no doorstep unless I have a concierge to accept it.

Now I know many cities have markets that will deliver after you have shopped, but that is an important part the choosing of the products. Maybe there is a sale on an item that I don't usually buy because it cost more.

So, I get this picture of tons of e-mails and popups trying to cross sell, on-line coupons to sort through.

Welcome to the new normal? Not for me.

While that is what it is probably for, like the elderly people who cannot drive or cannot lift a lot, it will most likely end up becoming used by those who are just too lazy.

In all honesty if people are not careful we will end up just like the humans in WALL-E . We sit around doing nothing and have everything delivered to us. Of course the corporations will find ways to benefit from that but it still is pretty scary when you look at kids these days and consider how lazy they are getting. Some schools where I live don't have a physical education hour until after a certain grade. I remember having it from 1st grade and on, only my high school didn't have one as it was a charter school and had no gym.
srsly every time something new comes out everybody is like it will ruin our lives then after many revisions and people learn how to live with the new circumstances everybody shuts up about it. the death rate of powerline workers when it first came out was 50percent. the railroad also had a really high death rate for workers in the beginnning. coal powered faerie boats had a tendency to explode and sink. New everything has a tendency to be not so good for our healths when its new.
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