AMD 7850 2GB OC- Far Cry 3


Mar 4, 2013
So i asked a question on yahoo and got directed to here. Don't mind my english it's not my first language. So i bought i new GPU, i went from GTS 250 to SAPPHIRE HD 7850 OC 2GB GDDR5. As i saw that i couldn't run borderlands on any other setting that low and far cry 3 on medium i think. So i get the new card and see that almost nothing has changed, i can run far cry 3 on medium (4x msaa, if off i can get to very high, probably) 30-50 fps and it's still problematic.. People are saying that my CPU is bottlenecking and some say it isn't.. It is bottlenacking but the question is how much, i couldn't imagine that my quad core CPU bottlenecks my hard so badly. I will list my pc spec here, ty for the help:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66Ghz ~2.7GHz.
Memory: 4GB RAM
Board: P5QL PRO
OS: Windows 7 ultimate 64bit
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7850 (sapphire 2GB, already bought OC)


List PSU, and the total amps on the 12V rail.

Also, try overclocking your CPU a little, see if you can get a few more FPS from doing that. If you do, its certain its a CPU bottleneck.