AMD 970 Gaming MOBO shorting Audio?


Jan 4, 2016
Hi, I have had the 970 gaming for about 3 months. I play mostly Overwatch CSGO and MGSV. I have a audio problem with my MOBO. Let me start from the start. So I have a really quirky audio issue when ever I use the Blue Yeti. Yes I know you may be thinking to yourself OH it's the windows or a yeti issue. No it's not. Whenever I play overwatch during long gaming sessions I use the blue yeti for audio and Teamspeak. Every 10 Minutes on a USB 3 port the audio will just stop working and will transmit a light crackle every 3 seconds. This is then fixed by unplugging it and plugging it back in. But the kicker is, It freezes my game until I do so. sometimes resulting in the game not responding. You may be thinking, Oh use a USB 2 port? I have used all of them. when I use a USB 2 port the audio will switch ears. I mean audio will come out the wrong ear sounds on left come out on right and it's so annoying. So I tried another thing. A internal USB port. It still happens. So at this point I have RMA my Yeti, getting a new one to have the same issue, Gotten a new USB cable, reinstalled windows twice. So at this point I am screwing around with the motherboard now. This audio issues happens instantly when I stream. I have all of the other audio devices off and everything. So My motherboard. I installed around 3 months ago which is when it started. I then noticed I installed two different screws into the mobo. I ended up using hard drive screws to hold the mobo down. And yes i used the paper standoffs. For some reason my Cases standoffs didn't fit the regular screw. Is it these screws are shorting my motherboard? I don't have any issues outside of games as well. And when the audio thingy happens only I can hear it. Not the viewers. Has anyone heard of anything like this? What else can I try? I just want to be able to stream without having any issues.
1| Quite possible that the screw mounts may be causing the grounding issue though that will found out if and when you breadboard your system and see that the crackling has disappeared.
2| It doesn't read to be a grounding issue as they can't be capable of freezing your game until you reconnected your audio equipment.
3| It also seems like you're on Windows 10, if so then you should uninstall your audio drivers and reinstall them manually after downloading from manufacturer's site. Speaking of Windows, you didn't state your full system's specs inclusive of your OS and case.
4| The issue can be compounded to your driver, BIOS and quite possibly the OS.
5| If you're on Windows 10, you should disable automatic device driver updates before uninstalling devices from Device Manager to reinstall drivers manually.

I have done everything you suggested. I have gotten around the issue for now by using a sound card, Only problem is I can't use closed ear headphones because not hearing my self is a pet peeve. Anyways I have tried everything. Motherboard out of Case with one stick of ram, still happens, reinstalled audio drivers 6 times. Still happens.

I am using a NZXT Phantom 240 on Windows 10.

I got this motherboard from Fry's, I got it on sale for 5 dollars off list price, because it was open box. Do you think that who ever might have used it before me had fried a circuit or something of that nature to make this happen. I am 100% sure now it's the motherboard but I can't afford anything else or even a RMA right now. But if it was just a audio problem wouldn't it happen with on board audio too? Maybe I am being too nit picky but I just want to use the on board DAC in my yeti as a sound device
You forgot to include the full system's specs, I asked for more than the chassis and the OS.

It's possible but until we learn of your full system's specs it's only an assumption because there can be an issue with the manufacturing side. Try downgrading your OS to something like Windows 7 and see if the issue is persistent. The yeti is a MIC and is USB driven thus your drivers will come to play not your sound card since the audio is being processed via the USB port.

You should verify that your chipset drivers and BIOS are up to date.

I decided to sell the board and use a X58 CPU until Zen or prices go down. I figured out it was actually MSI's board that was the problem. I have a GIGABYTE GA78-LMT and no issues with the 8320 on that board what so ever. For being a older board and a older chipset overclocks better than the MSI board did and no audio bugs. I talked to two of my friends that both own MSI motherboards and they said they have had similar issues with their boards. My friend uses a XLR setup and he said he had related problems like mine on a whole other side of CPU chipsets. My other friend that also has a Intel setup says he has the same exact problems as me but the happen more frequent and we have came to a conclusion on all of our ends it's the boards. The XLR guy runs windows 7 for work reasons BTW. so we really came to it that it's the boards. Really I don't know how any other people have reported this problem with two of my other close friends have reported the SAME problems over 2 generations of different chipsets and sockets. I sold that piece of trash because that's unacceptable. Only going for ASUS/Gigabyte boards for future builds. Maybe nobody that buys these boards is using high end enough equipment to find these issues? But I had everything up to date including Bios drivers out of case in case different ports everything you can try over 3 months of owning a product. Until I asked my friends if they owned MSI boards they said they had these issues too. Last MSI board for me and the price difference for me isn't worth this giant mess. Thank you for your time and help, but you can't fix garbage manufacturing. Thank you.