AMD 9970 Vs. GTX 780?!


Jun 12, 2013
Hello. Since the specs are leaked on the AMD 9970, wouldn't it be possible to find out how much more AMD 9970 will perform then a gtx 780?
So how much better will 9970 be then gtx 780 in %?

Well, why can't AMD tell? I've been thinking to buy gtx 780 instead of waiting for a month. Since AMD don't tell, why should I wait? But can you take a "guess"?
Ever since the release of the Bulldozer based CPUs, AMD has taken a "quiet period" approach to releasing product information. My best guess, seeing as AMD want to market the R9 cards for no more than $600, is that it will compete with the GTX 780.

Would you like to take a guess of the information we know at the moment?

honestly i have my doubt once i see that 4000SP. also they mention it have much higher clock (1GHz vs 800+Mhz). isn't it well known to compare the core clock directly will be useless for two card with different architecture?

We have less than two weeks until AMD announce the product in Hawaii. Nothing that I can tell you will be better than simply waiting to hear what they say.

I agree until we get actual benchmarks it is all speculation.

There alot of reviews that says "AMD 9970 twice as fast as GTX 780". What do they mean with "twice as fast"?
I have not seen a single review from a credible source until then it is hearsay. Not that long ago prior to AMD's FX Bulldozer release there was all kinds of info stating that it was the best thing since sliced cheese which of course was proven wrong in the end

To make that dream come true they need to manufacture the card at least with next die shrink. I highly doubt they can make it twice as fast with current 28nm process node unless they intend to release a single gpu that exceeding 300w.
IF and its a BIG if the 9970 specifications are true one of them would most likely obliterate any card on the market today including possibly the dual gpu 7990 and gtx 690, however if your looking for a graphics card of such performance I would look at the rumoured gtx 790 and maybe the upcoming Maxwell NVidia gpus but imust admit I am a bit of an NVidia fanboy :3