AMD A8 6500T APU - Temp


Feb 25, 2013
I got a AIO Desktop as a Xmas gift today and I am wondering if these temp readings are bad. I used HWMonitor and Speccy (both gave same info) Just at desktop with nothing running I was getting 60-65C. If I opened a browser or a game (wow) it climbed close to 80C. Is this pulling more heat because the GPU is built into the CPU? I read that I want to keep the temps below 71.3C to prevent any damage to the cpu/gpu.

I checked the temps on a laptop (boyfriends) has an intel i5 (4th gen) and with nothing open the temps were around 32C - jumped to around 45 with a few web pages open and you tube going. Why the heck is the AMD running so much higher?? I don't know if I should return it for an Intel build instead.
As you are using an AMD apu, the third party softwares like Hwmonitor and else don't work correctly. They always show the temperature more than existing. Download the AMD overdrive software. But remember it gives the thermal margin that is temps remains to overheat. If your temp is 50 ° c then it will show thermal margin of 30 ° c means in addition of 30 ° c to your current temperature that is 50 ° c means at 80°c you will tend to overheat. Use a cheap cpu cooler: Cooler master hyper 212 Evo