AMD Athlon II x2 how can i oc

ok i need to know more about you set up. so will other people that will try to help you... i have over clocked a amd 9850 be and my amd 940 be.... so i can help some... but you do know that the be cpu are easier to over clock... if its not a be then i am not sure it can be over clocked..... maybe you can over clock the fsb some but amd is a not like Intel. where they can be over clocked us fsb to over clock.. i may be wrong... amd be cpu's have unlocked multipliers that's what makes them able to be over clocked... so that's what i know..... i hope this helped good luck.. i am here if you needed any other help or input/info....
Hi there yeas you are crrect after fiddling around i have managed to overclock it ( udsing fsb) to 230 fsb meaning its gone from 2.9 ghz to 3.2 ghz which is only a small oc i know but if i put it to 235 or 240 fsb it fails to boot the pc up unless i drop my ram down to 400 mhz :s ( ihave 800mhz apparently but for some reason default is 400mhz ?? ) as for the multiplier it is higher on the stock of 2.9ghz x 14.5.... i can change this down to 2.8 x 14 2.7 x 13.5 and so on to around x 7 i believe but i cannot change it higher than 14.5 so if you could help me resolve it around getting higher than 230mhz i would be much appreciated any info you need i will happilyu resoplve


maybe you can push up the volts on the fsb some, ( a small bit at a time ) and maybe drop down the multiplier .5 points at a time from stock... ( my mobo multiplier only gos up to x16 ) i hate that but i will be over clocking the fsb too... i am only looking to get it to 3.5 on 3.7...

3.2 is not to bad of a over clock.... keek a eye on cpu temp..... :ouch:
Hi newcomer and welcome to the Tom's hardware forum.

You can read THIS guide, is the process to OC AMD locked processors.

Now, bear in mind that like is a locked processor you also need change the timings of the RAM while you change the settings of the processor.
lol my stock temp is runnin at 29 c lmao :) i cant get my head around it as its a stock cooler and im not sure exactly what you mean by changing the multiplier as if i do that it lowers the stock 2.9 Ghz and not sure what what i.e the voltage how do i do that ?? lol sorry complete noob to this

like i side i do not know much about ur setup... look up ur mobo and key words over clocking so on...... drop the multiplier so you can raze the fsb more
i never thought of it being the mobo hmm.... thats a good idea chap 😀 i thawt it was only the cpu to oc 😛 thanx i will have a look and let you know

good luck...... in the U.S.A we say bro.... but chap works...... let me know how it gos! just go slow.... that link he gave you is really good i read it! 1 word ( slow )!

i read your link... very good reading..... right on point