AMD Catalyst 14.1

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Feb 28, 2014
Hey guys I have a Lenovo z575 with a AMD A8-3520 processor and a AMD A8-6600G graphics card. Will AMD Catalyst boost these to run even faster? Cause my CPU sucks (1.60Ghz) -.- I am playing BF3 and COD Black Ops2.
Install the latest beta 14.2 to get every last ounce of performance out of your configuration. You can even overclock your CPU and GPU in Overdrive for added performance.

Mantle will really help you out when it becomes widespread. If you were to get Battlefield 4 then the 14.2 driver supports Mantle in that game and you'd get much better performance than DirectX on your machine.
Obviously s4in7 has never tried to update the drivers for a laptop before with an APU. Only some Laptops support the drivers that can be downloaded from AMD's web site. Yours may be one that does or it may not, chances are not. AMD has a program that scans your system and will tell you if there is a compatible driver and install it. It is called auto detect.

many laptops iGPU's can only be updated either through the manufactures web site or though windows. You have an iGPU.

Yes IF the latest CCC "14.2" Beta driver will install and work properly for your APU then it is advisable to update the driver. Beware though I have found compatibility issues with this new beta driver and some games.

besides the Beta driver there is only CCC 13.12 and I have had issues with the install of this one on my gaming rig.
I stand corrected as the new 14.2 beta v1.3 did install on my A8-4500m CPU'd laptop. They must have recently changed this in the last couple months as I have tried and failed in the past to update the APU's CCC and driver.

I still stand by how buggy both 13.12 and 14.2 beta are at the moment. 14.2 has game compatibility issues.
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