de5_Roy :
juanrga :
The facts about AMD replacing x86 jaguar for ARM were given before. AMD official server roadmap and the presentation explaining why are replacing jaguar servers by arm servers. Also AMD quote, given above, claiming that they expect the sales of ARM servers to surpase the sales of x86 servers. Do you believe AMD will invest lots of resources in future x86 servers when is predicting that sales will drop?
facts given before where? i am not going back searching through walls of text. if you have official proof of amd stating they're replacing jaguar with arm, please provide. pretty please.
what server roadmap? the last one i saw showed coexistence. if there's a different one, i'd like to see that.
noob2222 :
juanrga :
The facts about AMD replacing x86 jaguar for ARM were given before. AMD official server roadmap and the presentation explaining why are replacing jaguar servers by arm servers. Also AMD quote, given above, claiming that they expect the sales of ARM servers to surpase the sales of x86 servers. Do you believe AMD will invest lots of resources in future x86 servers when is predicting that sales will drop?
So these facts are your own speculation? nice ... I wonder what "facts" I can make up.

Unless the a57 is 85% faster than the a15 ... replacing jaguar would fail.
AMD official roadmap showing how the existent jaguar-based servers will be substituted by ARM-based servers next year:

It's hardly a secret that AMD has stepped out of its x86 comfort zone to develop an ARM-based server chip
In case you don't know, the existent jaguar-based servers (Opteron X) are more faster than the jaguar-based Kabini (1.5GHz) that you mention above. But:
AMD says its 64-bit ARM server chips will be up to four times faster and more power-efficient than its latest quad-core x86 Opteron X-series chips, which draw up to 11 watts of power.
AMD is also saying us what they expect about their server portfolio with ARM (Seattle) and x86 (Berlin and Warsaw) solutions:
AMD will sell the 64-bit ARM processors alongside x86 server processors, but the company expects ARM to outsell x86 in the long run.